When I was 14 I met this boy who was 15 at the time. After a few days of dating he “confessed” to me that he had throat cancer but to keep it a secret cause it’s been a stressful few years. He started to show toxic traits within the first few weeks and he began to get more toxic when I had to go to work and I didn’t have my phone on me. I was at work from 4pm to 7pm with my older brother and we were doing stocktake. I finish work to find that he has messaged me 5-10 times saying he knows I’m cheating on him. When I expressed I was at work with my brother and why didn’t he trust me when I told him that, he began to say he had “connections” to this gang that can hack into the computers/monitors and he knows for a fact that I was not at work and he had his friends come to my work to “check” if I was there.

14 year old me was stressing out because how could the boy I love, not trust me? We had a big exploded fight over Facebook and how I’m a big fat liar and how he is so disgusted in me for lying to him..

This isn’t the end of this toxic abuse I received from this boy..

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