What to do when you have your period and want to go swimming?

  1. I don’t have my period bc of birth control.

    When I used to, I just put a tampon on and went to swimming per usual.

  2. I use a cup. And also, the water pressure make it stop so you can stop worrying about it leaking into water

  3. Wear a menstrual cup! So much better then a tampon in the water and no string that could work it’s way out of your swimsuit.

  4. Tampon.

    Period proof bathing suit

    As a side note, if the water is cold, that will seriously decrease blood flow.

  5. I go swimming and tbh don’t use any menstrual products. I don’t really get my period now though, just daily spotting, which I don’t wear tampons or cups for either when I’m swimming.

  6. I don’t go swimming 🏊‍♀️ tampons are really painful and I have to remove it instantly if I try

  7. I always used tampons, now I have a cup and I haven’t tried it while swimming but it should work as well.

    I think it might work better than tampons as you cannot leak with a cup if it is positioned properly

  8. People saying being in water “stops” your period might have that experience, but in my experience (with a fairly heavy flow), it doesn’t “stop” anything. I now use a menstrual cup every period, but before that I used tampons for swimming. Make sure you remove your tampon when you’re done, and don’t leave any tampon in for more than 8 hours (preferably less) to minimise the risk of toxic shock syndrome. Happy to answer follow-ups if you have any more questions 🙂 Hope you enjoy your swim!

  9. I wrap myself in toilet paper covered in waterproof nail polish, hop up and down 3 times, pray to a muffin, swallow a tampon, stick a pad to my feet and roll into the pool, hope I don’t drown but usually prince charming comes to my rescue. Just like girls do – obviously.

  10. I don’t go swimming if it’s that time of the month. If I can’t go swimming I usually go for a long walk or have a gym day (elliptical). The pool is always gonna be there when I’m done, indoor pool. 👍🏼

  11. I don’t go. I get really weird periods atm, too heavy to wear nothing but too light to wear a tampon (painful to remove). Haven’t bought a cup yet, because the plan was to not have menstruations again.

    I’m happy for the people here who say “just wear a tampon” that they never had issues that prevented them from wearing one, but sometimes it’s not that simple guys.

  12. Ummmm, put a tampon in like I do every other day of my period and go swimming. Like you really didn’t already know the answer to this question?

  13. A young woman in my family just got her first period in Hawaii with her family. She didn’t go swimming THE WHOLE TIME this was in august. Can you imagine? Do people truly not know about tampons? That girls mother did her a true disservice.

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