I recently met a women who is recovering from this. She chased after older men who she thought were well respected but ended up just playing games with her.

Is it worth the effort?

  1. I guess it’s going to depend on her personality. Seems pretty likely that she’s picked up some bad mindsets and some bad habits that could take decades to break, if she can break them at all.

  2. Somebody’s dating history tells you a lot about who they are as well.

    For example, if she was always going after married men, she’s a homewrecker and somebody I would not date.

  3. If she can’t trust you cause of past relationships you two shouldn’t be together. She needs to go heal.

  4. # Hell no.

    Why would anyone willingly, monogamously date someone who has historically never respected monogamy?

  5. Nope, you will be fighting her emotional traumas the entire time.
    Unless she is actively seeking therapy, it’s a lost cause imo.

  6. If she’s telling you this now, she hasn’t healed and moved on or learned her lessons. She is still playing victim and will repeat this lesson until she takes a good hard look at herself and makes the steps to heal her heart.

    Once a women has healed her heart she will not bring up her traumatic past with you until you’ve been together a long time. People who identify with their past experiences still are going to repeat them or not be ready to accept a healthy relationship and seek out the ups and downs of instability.

  7. A woman who’s a perpetual side chick is gonna be a headache for the most part. It’s kinda like being with a woman who’s always been treated like shit, but you’re the first to treat her right. There’s like an 75% chance that it’s gonna end in some catastrophe lmao.

  8. Nah, there’s no future in that girl and you shouldn’t look for one either. Other people’s leftovers always go into the trash

  9. She has zero respect for relationships or marriages, yet you think she’ll change that for you? Give it time and she’ll be off finding her excitement again in no time. Coming from a dude who probably wouldn’t say no to sleeping with married women, I stay out of relationships on purpose because I have those thoughts and would no doubt hurt someone. I say she’s trouble and you should run for the hills.

  10. Whatever made her want to be that way, and be drawn to guys like that, it’s a her problem. Not to mention, she was happy to stomp on other people’s lives for her own benefit.

    Anyone who is chronically mistreated and fails to take some measure of responsibility to change their own behavior or attitude is self destructive.

    I was chronically mistreated till I realized I let myself get walked on and learned how to draw boundaries. I also learned not to turn over the trash looking for gold.

    If that willingness to accept, change, and move on isn’t there, she has some growing to do.

  11. J Cole said it best

    “Don’t save her she don’t wanna be saved”

    Don’t be captain save a hoe, you’re going to end up getting hurt little homie…you will probably ignore the warning and think “she’s different, they don’t understand” don’t say I didn’t warn you

  12. So a gold digger who has come to the realisation that she hasn’t made the cut and is now just looking to settle so she won’t get old alone? naah, I’m good.

  13. LOL. She was dating someone that was married or otherwise engaged with another, and we have a post about how *she’s* suffering, and recovering from….this.

    Reddit never fails to amaze.

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