This question was brought on by the [humanitarian crisis in Stowe, Massachusetts today](, where they just became a New England town bereft of Dunkin Donuts.

What is a seemingly minor event to the heathens in other parts of the country that constitutes a horrifying situation in yours? Whether it be “this place exists outside of God’s Grace” or “I don’t know how those poor people survive like that”.

  1. For those not understanding the horrors the people of Stowe are enduring, imagine if your Waffle House was turned into a pillar of salt or vaporized by lightning before your very eyes on a clear day. FEMA response is entirely warranted, possibly some sort of sacrifice to placate The Powers That Be.

  2. I have to cross a raging river and drive almost 20 miles to reach the nearest Culver. Instead, someone just built a Hardee’s that couldn’t get an order right if a firing squad was on site. How can you call it a western cheeseburger if it doesn’t have the bacon or Bbq sauce? The manager couldn’t figure out the coupon for it for 3.99, so they just took 3.99 off of the total. They will be out of business in no time…and they’ve only been open a month

  3. The death of single-class high school basketball in Indiana was basically the end of Hoosier Hysteria as we knew it.

  4. When it snows even a fairly small amount, it causes a standstill to California traffic that a much larger snowfall in, say, Colorado would not cause. For example, over 10 years ago I-5 was closed over the Grapevine and Tejon Pass due to snow, and because it was the fastest route between Southern California and the Central Valley, it created a MASSIVE traffic clusterfuck as drivers tried to find alternate routes.

  5. A town near me had its sole ice cream shack close during Covid and never reopen… truly Matthew 27:46.

  6. It’s just the whole place, really. Rhode Island is a place untouched by god and feared by any reasonable man.

  7. NC

    COVID caused slaughterhouses to close, creating a backlog of hogs that got too big to slaughter normally, so farmers had to gas their animals and dispose of the carcasses without turning them into meat.

    For a state that holds its pork barbecue as emblematic, it was tragic to behold. All that delicious pork, feeding crows instead of crowds.

    We collectively wiped away a tear.

  8. Just before the economic crash of 2008, the local ice cream joint referred to as “The Milk Barn” (because it was actually in an old dairy barn) was torn down. It has been around for generations of kids and adults, I knew kids whose parents went on their first date there. The parking lot was packed after every HS football game or little league baseball game. On the weekend, they’d have classic car clubs there.

    The place got bought up and knocked down to make more parking spots for a Pontiac dealership. Remember Pontiac, that car manufacturers that was liquidated by the 2008 recession? Yeah…

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