Okay, so here’s the deal. I (29F) dated a guy named Axel when I was 18 and he was 22. It was the classic story of young puppy love infatuation. Neither of us had dated before that (hello Bible belt purity culture!) and were convinced that we were in love and meant to be together. I go off to college, whereas he stayed back in our hometown. It is/was a pretty small and tightknit community. After being away and all the drama that comes with young love and long distance, I realized that I didn’t want to be with him and after an on and off again situation we broke up finally two years later. He took it pretty hard and we grew apart.

Fast forward to the present day. Remember what I said about small hometowns? Well Axel’s older brother, Sam, and I have recently begun getting close again. Now we’ve always had a very close/sibling like relationship. However, between the last time we really interacted and now it’s been almost 6 years and well…a lot has changed and there’s been a lot of sexual tension in the air. But it feels wrong to act on it considering the history I had with his brother. But then again…that was ten years ago when we were basically kids. What do ya’ll think?

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