Here it’s just cash, to help them make up for the large expense. Between 80-150 Euros depending on how close you are.

  1. Here cash is also most common.

    Alternatively, couples go to shops and compile a list of things they would like. They then tell their wedding gusts the name of the shop and people go there and decide which of the selected items they’d like to buy for them. These are often shops for outfitting a kitchen with china, silverware and whatnot.

  2. Yeah, cash is king. In a plethora of ways. Many people get creative. I remember that we got a money tree from some friends, a small bush with cash hanging on the branched. Or lottery tickets. But yeah, money is the main way of gifting. Rule of thumb is, bring at least as much as the party costs you are invited to (if you can afford it, if you can’t its no problem either). The goal is to finance the festivities and leave a bit for the couple.

  3. Nowadays cash. 15-20 years ago, when my much older first cousins were getting married I remember it was still common to buy small appliances or household items (microwave, tableware, flatware) because most of them did not live together before marriage and just started their shared household. But I think even then it was common to give cash if the newlyweds were already living together.

  4. Cash, crystal glasses, and nice little things for the house are pretty common (like a fancy cake stand, or nice carafe). A traditional wedding gift is a Quaich, which is my go to gift, coupled with a nice whiskey 🙂

  5. Same here in most cases,a lot of people give money.

    Personally if it’s a friend or someone I know well,I prefer to give a gift..I talk to them and see if there’s anything they would like to have.

    For a distant relative who invites us to the wedding, money… it’s impersonal, but so is the relationship!

  6. Usually something for their home – pots and pans, nice dishes, glasses, things like that. Some people give cash, other people think that’s a bit lazy or even kind of vulgar. Some couples actually ask for cash, which seems even worse to some people, but others see it as just practical. I think it’s gradually changing towards cash becoming more acceptable.

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