What do you fear most when getting into a new relationship?

  1. Probably the same thing most people do – that it won’t last. Or that the person will end up being something different than what they portrayed themselves as in the beginning. Happens all the time. I’ve yet to ever really have met anyone who seemed exactly the same after a few months of dating than they were before I decided to date them. Sure, people can change, but most things don’t change that fast.

  2. That I won’t be able to keep my promises. Staying with her. I’m also afraid of my emotions being used against me to keep me from leaving her

  3. Her past. The things she’s done that led up to this very moment where you are considering being a relationship with her.

    Did she cheat on her partner and desperate to be with someone?

    Is she a drug/alcohol addict that her partner no longer tolerated with?

    Is her batshit behavior caused domestic violence in her relationships?

    Too many questions.

  4. Falling for them for months and one day getting the “we need to talk text” and turning into strangers again.

  5. Being so happy that I treat her well and then she repels because she thinks I’m wrapped around her finger

  6. That everything they say during the honeymoon phase is a lie.
    Examples: I love you and you alone. I can’t see myself with anyone else.i don’t want anyone else but you. I just assume it’s a lie and will say we shall see.

  7. Two things. First, that I’ll end up being crushed again. And second, that I won’t be able to love again the way I want to as a result.

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