An old ex recently texted to say he still masturbates over my nudes I sent him when we were seeing each other. I find it kind of hot, but I just assumed people deleted the nudes once the relationship ended?

Do people have a bank with all of their ex’s nudes?

  1. I’m sure a lot of people do. I deleted mine like a week after because it felt weird, but now I kinda wish I hadn’t. You just gotta worry about your ex sharing them.

  2. I still have my old nudes and sextapes. I only deleted the parts where it shows some face. I am afraid of leaking, so without faces, it’s harder

  3. Delete them. So gross to me.
    Current relationship fine but old stuff weird.

    I know a few guys who have literally saved my past nudes like showed me via text I’m like that’s low key gross because if you think about it you’re probably not the only one with saved photos… a literally spank bank gross

  4. They got deleted pretty soon after the breakup. This has only really happened once, and I was the dump-ee, so I held on to them for maybe a week hoping we’d get back together, but once that started to look for sure like it wasn’t going to happen I got rid of them. Just felt disrespectful and desperate at that point 🤷‍♂️

  5. I deleted them pretty much as soon as I knew the relationship was over forever and I was 1000% sure that I never wanted to see her face ever again… I can’t see why a guy who wasn’t still pining for an ex would keep that kind of stuff unless he was a malicious bastard with cruel intentions of showing them to other people.

  6. I don’t see anything wrong with someone keeping nudes. I keep a few, along with love notes or pictures of me and an ex being happy. I don’t look at them when I’m in a relationship, but if I’m single and feeling reminiscent of good times I get them out for a trip down memory lane. I’m totally fine with a partner doing the same.

    Exes are part of life and I think it’s sad to completely erase them.

  7. I usually go by what I think the ex would prefer. Consequently I have nudes from one ex.

    But my expectation is that most *guys* have massive archives of every nude they’ve ever received or seen.

  8. Out of respect I delete all she may have been the hottest person before and after the relationship but I feel it’s right to delete them

  9. I’m a woman and ex and I have sort of fwb thing going on where we do it to each other’s pic or vids at the same time 🤔 I’m gonna keep them until I start dating again, then I’ll delete and stop the fwb thing.

    I don’t care what he does with my nudes honestly. As long as he doesn’t post them and they’re for his private use, he can use them for the rest of his life for all I care.

  10. I delete everything having to do with that ex. I don’t need reminders of them especially if it was ended by them and I’m trying to get over them. If I don’t delete everything about them then it just leaves open a window for me to go through and be depressed

  11. I would delete nudes but I’d keep regular pictures. You can’t just delete part of your life and pretend it didn’t exist.

  12. Make a photo collage for the wall?
    Maybe add some speech bubbles full of inspirational quotes from some of them?

  13. You kinda have to assume that once you send them they could potentially be ‘out there’ forever. I’ve never been sent any from someone I’d want to keep them from, so they’ve all been deleted at the end of the relationship.

  14. I keep them if I think they have artistic merit (and I stretch that definition to include “that’s hot”). I rarely look at them and certainly would never share them. But every once in a while when I see them I recall that I really was that intimate with that person and it amazes me. I think my memory isn’t good for fine detail, so while I remember that we did those things, actually seeing a picture brings back lots of sentimental feelings of gratitude, not just (or even always) arousal.

  15. put them in the secret folder along with the rest of them.

    definetly don’t act virtuous and say. I GET RID OF THEM THE DAY WE’RE FINISHED! what do you mean? what else would I do? *act clueless*

  16. I thought most people (and what I do) just let them sit on their phone. Seems like a hassle to try and track down every intimate image someone may have sent over a relationship which could span years or more. I wouldn’t take the time and effort to find and delete them, I also wouldn’t fish for them today and I certainly wouldn’t use them for personal enjoyment after the relationship ended. I assume that in time the images will just fall out of access when a phone crashes or I have to get a new cloud account or something. The weird part here isn’t that he still has them, it’s that he still uses them. Let go dude. It’s over.

  17. A lot of people are saying they delete them.

    I was married for 13 years (20-33) and there’s no way I’m deleting them. We have had a very amicable divorce and we’re still friends. I rarely look at them and never get off to them. But to delete them would seem insane to me. That’s half my life with this person. I just can’t see not regretting it if i delete them.

  18. I thank the nudes for their service, then I gather them all up and put them on a boat. Then one of my warriors shoots the boat with a flaming arrow.

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