I[24M] asked this girl[21F] if she was doing something Saturday and that we should go out. She said she was busy studying but it depended on the time. So I actually proposed 8pm but then she said she’s not sure and that I should keep her in the know through text (I presume for a more favorable time.) I asked for her Instagram a few days prior where we went on an impromptu meet up outside of work that I initiated and we got along pretty well.

I’d like to go on a proper date so is this her brushing me off or might she be interested and it’s just a time problem?

  1. I wouldnt initiate anything else. She ain’t concrete but rather ‘I dunno, not sure, maybe’.

    That’s never a good sign.

    Girls (or ppl) that are interested say stuff like.

    ‘Im busy from x to y but what about 5 pm, I would be available then’.

    I’d wait now. Dont fall into that needy petitioner style of asking again and again.

    You a young, competent, decisive man that knows what he wants, non?

    But you dont chase no ppl and beg for audiences.

    Treat her like always.

    The ball though, is in her court. You made the move.

    Never do everything/too much.

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