People who were together for 5+ years then broke up/separated, what happened?

  1. We had been drifting apart for a while and we didn’t succeed in bringing it back together.

  2. He got his knickers in a twist over the fact that I didn’t want to change my surname so walked out 3 months before our wedding.

  3. Every time i stood up for myself, he twisted it into his own self pity. Anytime i had sadness or issues i wanted to bring up, it would end with me comforting him as he cried.

    I supported him for 5 years, i was the only one with a job. The last year we were together, i pushed him to get a job and license. He started making double what i was making. I asked him for an expensive birthday present; he made excuses and spent the same amount plus some on himself the week of my birthday. My present from him was a tray of brownies with nuts in them, i don’t like nuts.

    A couple weeks later, I couldn’t take it anymore, i came home, told him i was done and kicked him out within 2 hours. We were 2 weeks away from our 6 year anniversary. I bought myself that birthday present a week later, a Nintendo switch.

  4. He continously made mistakes over the years and I stupidly forgave him every time despite me never once doing anyrhing to betray his trust. After eight and a half years I finally caught him out and he was cheating with a girl who has a child with one of his ex best friends.

    I had my suspicions and he’d saved her phone number in my phone so I called her and asked her directly about what their relationship really was. As soon as she confirmed it, I got the hell out of there and never looked back.

  5. He continously made mistakes over the years and I stupidly forgave him every time despite me never once doing anyrhing to betray his trust. After eight and a half years I finally caught him out and he was cheating with a girl who has a child with one of his ex best friends.

    I had my suspicions and he’d saved her phone number in my phone so I called her and asked her directly about what their relationship really was. As soon as she confirmed it, I got the hell out of there and never looked back.

  6. He continously made mistakes over the years and I stupidly forgave him every time despite me never once doing anyrhing to betray his trust. After eight and a half years I finally caught him out and he was cheating with a girl who has a child with one of his ex best friends.

    I had my suspicions and he’d saved her phone number in my phone so I called her and asked her directly about what their relationship really was. As soon as she confirmed it, I got the hell out of there and never looked back.

  7. My ex wasn’t happy anymore and dumped me. We weren’t married. She said some pretty nasty stuff during the breakup.

    About 18 months later, I met my now wife. We’ve been together 17 years. My ex is on her… third? Divorce.

    Breakups hurt. They especially hurt if people are unnecessarily nasty. But sometimes you have to toss out something that doesn’t work to make room for something that does.

  8. He was a man baby. He would not give up skateboarding and turn into an adult. Hitting 28 and he would find every excuse to position himself around kids and teenagers so they would idolize him for being an older skater who worked at a skate shop. Started to creep me out. It was nothing perverted there as much as he was an insecure person and that was the only was he could find quick validation. He couldn’t have intelligent conversations or put in hard work. And he was a patholical liar that turned me into an unstable ugly tempered person trying to sort through his crazy lies.

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