So basically I’m down bad and honestly lonely and just want to meet someone but kind of hard because I have strict middle eastern parents. I’m a junior in college and I commute to school so kind of hard to even make friends and it’s hard for me to go out because they have to know every detail and can’t be out late. So should I even try to get a girlfriend because I don’t wanna bring a girl into this and have to hide her and sneak around and stuff but I don’t wanna just waste my youth just never talking to girls. My friends say I should just be pulling left and right but idk if that’s true as I never really get approached by anyone and I never really put in the effort to approach anyone as in the back of my head im having to think about well how I’m gonna even hang out with her if even this does work.idk I’m kind of at a weird point in my life so don’t really know what to do any advice would help.

  1. Yet another one of these. Lad welcome to Reddit, the home of many a man who’s much older than you who has also never kissed a girl and a bunch of people who wonder why, thinking they’re lovely or good looking or whatever. Put yourself out there.

  2. Look man, I know there’s a cultural difference here, or whatever you want to call it. I don’t know what having strict middle eastern parents is like. But you’re 20. You’re an adult. Do what you’d like. Either get out there and try to meet women or, I don’t know, have your parents arrange a marriage for you?

  3. Stand up to your parents! Do what you want, you are an adult and they shouldn’t be bothering you about every detail about your life. I’m 19 and dealing with my over bearing Christian parents constantly wanting to know where I am, what I’m doing, and I haven’t even started college yet! I’ve been standing up to them and showing I’m an adult now and they shouldn’t have so much control over everything I do. Try finding a girl! Go out a little later than usual. Do whatever your heart desires as long as it’s legal lol

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