My fellow Americans, when did you feel more patriotic than you have ever felt in your life, before or since?

  1. Somewhere in preschool, and it’s all been downhill since then. We just keep screwing things up.

  2. Recently actually. I acknowledged that I don’t have to live in constant fear, unlike other countries. America has given me opportunities and an amazing life.

  3. The last time I truly believed and was proud of America was when same-sex marriage was legalized. 9/11 happened when I was 9 going on10 that month. What I went through then was mostly blind nationalism based on the very conservative environment around me.

  4. I’m a white educated woman who was brought up in an open-minded family. I was overcome with emotion when Barack Obama was elected President of the USA. I cried not only because I was thrilled to have such a smart, caring leader, but also because my parents had always discussed the importance of civil rights and the suffering that minorities have endured. I felt proud of my country for electing President Obama and for being progressive. I felt like such progress had been made in civil rights, women’s rights, and LBGQ rights. Conversely, after T became president, I had never felt so unpatriotic. And sadly, since Trumpsters began calling themselves “Patriots,” American flags have become associated with hypocritical haters who undermine the progress we had made as a country.

  5. Cory Booker’s [reassurance]( of Ketanji Jackson. Cory Booker’s attitude in general tickles this sort of patriotic attitude I’ve never been able to muster for more than a single conversation with a non-American. Don’t always back his political plays, but the dude’s optimism is something special.

  6. Some of the summers from 2016-2019 were pretty good, really. 4th of Julys right around that time were good days.

  7. US women’s hockey beating Canada in a 3-2 shootout at the 2018 winter olympics

  8. Thus might be weird, but in 2020 when 25 million Americans took to the streets to protest the injustice they saw. I don’t know if I’ve ever been as proud of Americans as I was then.

  9. There’re been a few times, but being sworn into the Navy on a runway at Andrews Air Force Base stands out as being near the top

  10. “This is our fucking city, and nobody gonna dictate our freedom. Stay strong.” – David Ortiz.
    I was only 13, a Tigers fan and had never set foot inside of Boston, but that quote has had me bleeding red white and blue ever since.

  11. When I went to see my son graduated from Air Force Basics. That was more tear jerking than when I graduated from Army Basics and their ceremony weekend was so much better lol,

  12. When I’d go to expat events while living in another country. Especially on independence day, everyone would show up in their most over-the-top American merch they could find. Just coming together and celebrating our culture.

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