Took this girl I’ve been talking to for a while out for a second time yesterday (the first time we went out was a few months ago… I go to school in a different state, hence the length between “dates”). Below are some details about what happened, would love to know if y’all think she’s into me.

– we spent about 7-8 hours together
– a lot of that time was spent just talking and smoking together
– she’s kept on laughing at my jokes
– our siblings go to the same school, and I recently posted a pic of my sister on Ig, and she said she had showed it to her brother to see if he knew her
– we texted a decent amount today, and she was telling me about small aspects of her day (like “I’m going to get lunch rn”) and she invited me to a nyfw event tonight but I couldn’t go
– we’re meeting again this Monday and Tuesday (Tuesday was previously planned by me, but Monday came up bc I said I would be in the city for lunch with someone and she said she was free and would be down to chill)
– when we went to the city yesterday, we were supposed to see J Cole in the city but we missed it… she was a little upset about it, but I kept on teasing her about and she said she was happy that her being upset wasn’t bringing my mood down (and even though we didn’t meet him, she said she had a good time)
– she remembers the first message I sent almost a year ago
– she mentioned that she would be down to come visit me at school sometime
– a few weeks ago, the topic of bondage came up in our dms, and she bought how she remembers I’m into that (we laughed about it, and when I said I was surprised she remember, she said something along the lines of “how could I forget”

1 comment
  1. Just because you put the word “dates” in quotations, I have to ask: **does she know with absolute certainty these are dates?**

    If she doesn’t know they are dates with absolute certainty, then it could just be two friends hanging out.

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