I’m 17 years old. Let me put this straight forward. I’m a kid, I don’t need a gf, I should focus on school and stuff first before girls. I understand that so I don’t wanna hear one comment on that, but I want to find someone who really cares. Like everyone who tells me this stuff already has a significant other, like yeah you had to wait but you have what you want now, is it so bad for me to want a gf? Plus I’m a straight A student, I workout, I plan to go to college, and I simply am nobodies type, and yeah I got more years to wait, but why do people always say the same thing and call me immature, like I have hormones and I’m 17 what am I supposed to do?

1 comment
  1. It’s definitely not a bad thing that you want a girlfriend, sometimes it just doesn’t happen until you’re older. I was in your shoes when I was in school. I barely had my first kiss in my senior year of high school (and it was literally just a peck). I didn’t kiss another guy until I was about 20, then was 21 when I first hooked up with somebody, but I was a virgin until I had my first boyfriend at 24. It just is what it is. And often it doesn’t even have much to do with how attractive you are or how great your personality is. Sometimes it’s just timing and luck. I would run into guys I went to high school with at the bars when I was in my 20s and they would tell me they had a crush on me in school, but were intimidated and thought I was probably too smart for them. That whole time I spent being sad that nobody wanted me when in reality that was not the case, I just didn’t know it.

    I know it sucks, but unfortunately there’s no rushing it.

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