Would the foreman yell “take it outside, assholes”? Or would something else happen?

Edit: if they would get fired, *how* would they get fired? I’m thinking of the whole ‘process’ here.

  1. Most companies have the rule, the moment you punch someone you lose your job, no responsible foreman will say to fight somewhere else.

  2. They get split up, management gets involved and it’s likely someone will get a final warning or get sacked.

    Treework is fairly tense sometimes and people can get pretty emotionally pumped up. But being able to call people a cunt if they’re being a cunt tends to defuse stuff usually.

  3. In my shop, there’s a 0 tolerance policy. If someone hits another, and that other person hits back, they’re both fired on the spot. If the other person doesn’t hit back, then only the one who started it gets fired on the spot.

  4. At least one gets fired for gross misconduct. If someone was attacking me at work, I’d probably cover up and maybe take a few hits and enjoy my time off with stress

  5. I mean in every facility I’ve worked the immediate supervisor or any company higher up will tell them to break it off. If they don’t they’ll call security and the police.

    If they do they usually call a couple supervisors to escort them off property, and then HR will call them the next day and tell them they’ve been terminated.

    If they’re union they can sometimes grieve it depending on the contract language but fighting is usually a one and done.

  6. My brother and I are the only two people in our workplace, so I assume we would fight until one or both of us was hurt or exhausted.

  7. They’d be fired, and I’d be fuck because I’d be the only one left on my crew running a manufacturing plant lmao

  8. When I was working in the trades we had a few fights break out. A couple times the foreman just broke it up and said get back to work, once the boss just sat and sipped his coffee and knew they’d be done in a minute and back to work.

  9. Both would get a few days off. Fighting, in today’s world, is a much less serious offense than perceived personal offenses.

  10. I remember one time two guys started fighting in a telemarketing office that I owned, big guys too. They ended up on the floor locked in wrestling holds. I didn’t know how to break them up so I took the water bottle from the cooler and poured water on them. It worked.

  11. 1) Stop the fight
    2) First aid
    3) Drug and alcohol tests
    4) Misconduct investigation
    5) Fire one or probably both

    Every country is different as far as the investigation process goes. But the general procedure in NZ is to

    1) Meet the person and give them a letter setting out the alleged misconduct,
    2) Meet with them to discuss it and get their side of things,
    3) Adjourn to decide if the allegations have been upheld,
    4) Give them another letter stating your conclusions and proposing a sanction if the allegation of misconduct was upheld.
    5) Meet with them to discuss the proposed sanction and get their feedback.
    6) Finally you meet with them again and give them a final decision

  12. Both go bye bye. We have a fair bit of surveillance in place. Whoever initiate is definitely toast. If second party only defended themselves and showed restraint they may still have a job. But if they “duked” it out like you describe, well they’re both out of a job.

  13. They’d probably get fired or written up, but before any of that happened everyone would circle around to see the fight before it got broken up

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