Basically what the title says

I’ve been hitting it off really well with this guy, we get along so well, we like the same things, have mostly similar goals, and are pretty compatible in every other aspect but

I don’t find him attractive, like I don’t find him disgusting to look at, but I just??? I don’t know.

I wanna make it work, I really do but can a relationship between someone who finds the other not attractive?

  1. Depends if you find him unattractive or are just not attracted to him. Like I wasn’t really attracted to my exes, didn’t find them cute or hot it was just kinda ehh. But like eventually once I started growing a relationship and got to know them more they were like the only guy I was attracted to, they suddenly became super attractive lol. But like if you find him fully unattractive, don’t waste either of yours time

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