(Black F 24) I started going for white guys as black guys weren’t doing it for me anymore but now I think I’m genuinely obsessed.

I only watch interracial porn (BWWM) and only date and have sex with white men. It’s the contrast between our skin, their coloured eyes and beautiful hair that all turns me on so much!

Obviously black guys get fetishised for their big dicks and black women for their asses but just wondering if white men fetishes exist or if anyone else feels the same way I do about white men?

Edit: Did not expect to get this many responses but when talking about race I guess it
reaches everyone!
I OBVIOUSLY don’t know about kinks and fetishes so I asked if it was a thing and people are calling me a devil worshiper and talking about colonisation? 💀 I love white men and will continue to love white and they will continue to love me back. We are all humans!
But thanks everyone for educating me, most of the comments have been very helpful 🙂

  1. Yes.. any race and anything can be fetishized. That’s also not good fetishizing a race it’s actually weird but that’s just my opinion

  2. It exists, and the milder form of just having a preference for white guys as a personal favorite exists.

    >Obviously black guys get fetishised for their big dicks and black women for their asses

    For what it’s worth, I have really blue eyes and they get mentioned as a positive pretty often that could be seen as a white guy trait.

    Ultimately fetishes make a certain amount of sense. It’s a genetic diversity thing, which people tend to like. Accents fit in this category too, they’re like audio proof of far-awayness and probably diversity.

  3. There probably is such a thing. But from what you wrote it doesn’t seem like you have a fetish per se, just sounds like that’s what you’re into at the moment.

  4. You wouldn’t be the first black woman I’d spoken to that has that fetish. I don’t see it as being a problem as long as you’re still able to develop healthy relationships with men.

  5. Surprisingly more common than I thought, though it’s mostly been online for me since not many black people where I live.

  6. It’s not a fetish, it’s a preference. My partner is a dark Latina and I’m so white I’m almost translucent. We always commented on how beautiful the contrast between our skin tones is. She prefers really white men, and I prefer dark skin. I also prefer dark hair and brown eyes. This isn’t fetishistic, it’s just beautiful to me.

  7. You are allowed to find whatever skin color or race you want attractive, and yes, you are also allowed to do so exclusively. No matter which combination. That is one of the great achievements of this century. Never let anyone, no matter from which side of the cultural divide, tell you otherwise.

    It is not necessarily a fetish. It can just be a preference.

  8. Its usually a preference. In your case it sounds like a strong preference and i get it.

    Once I was with my first black woman I never wanted to date a white woman again.

    But, race can totally become fetishized and that can be dangerous territory, ive heard some couples very much get off on the race play thing and im sure it can be gratifying as all hell when both partners are on the same page.

    Personally I’m happy keeping it as a strong preference and uh… how you doin?

  9. I’m a white dude who’s always had a thing for black girls for exactly the reason of contrast, not fetishizing asses or being into race play or whatever but because the hair and skin color and all is just gorgeous. So I’m real happy to hear that goes both ways hahaha

  10. Not necessarily making a judgement, just an observation, but it’s interesting that many of the top commenters seem to be white men. I personally think you can call it a fetish, but it’s not wrong that you have that desire unless you’re causing harm to yourself or others

  11. Isn’t this the most common thing ever? Black and Asian women are known for fetishizing white men. Up to you if you really wanna unravel where that comes from but it’s very common.

    Live your best life.

  12. Fetish and preference for everything. Just like I know plenty of my black friends who only go for white women, ironically one of the reasons they all have in common seems to be “black woman are nuts” also I hear “white woman have butts now a days” lol.

    Nothing wrong with it so you keep doing your thing.

  13. Honestly it sounds like more of a preference than a fetish! I have friends that dont find other races attractive and others that will only have sex with the same color its all based on what you like!

  14. It’s weird that we call preferences fetishes now lol I don’t think having a preference for one type of person or another is particularly a fetish.

  15. i’m an ethnic girl bit chubby and pale for my race + short, and i am exclusively attracted to lanky fit blonde tan white guys with blue eyes. i love the contrast too but it’s not a fetish idk man it’s just what i’m into

  16. Probably, but you might just have a preference based on what you’ve said here. My son’s gf is black and said she’s not attracted to black men. I, being an amateur psychologist, asked her if it was a trauma response and she confirmed that it is. Everyone has their reasons for whatever they’re into

  17. As a black man, I’m surprised more black women don’t have this fetish. My sisters all like white men. One has a white husband and the other a white boyfriend. But I wouldn’t say it was ever a fetish tho.

    You do you baby girl.

  18. I only like white women as a black man so I get it. Idk if I’d call it a fetish though, occasionally I find other races hot

  19. Nothing wrong with your preferences. Some people will judge you unfairly. I keep my preferences to myself

  20. Black F 28 I feel the same way it’s all I’m attracted though to along with Asian and Mexican men. I definitely lean towards white men though. My first time was with a white friend I guess we are fwb now though. I told him that him being sweaty is hot to me. Anyways I love running my hands through his hair, his body is fantastic, he looks like prince charming to me and honestly I think I’m in love with him.

  21. Just be careful of the race play stuff. It can add an element of racism to the mix if y’all are dating. I live in the south and men tried that shit out here. This was back when I was single and one of the few exotic looking woman in touch.

  22. While alot of Desi (Pakistani,Indian ,Bengaladeshi) women have a white guy fantasy usually a slave kink. I have a thing for brown and darker shade girls .. I’m on whiter shade of the spectrum and like you said the contrast is aesthetically pleasing and a turn on.

  23. I hope no one calls you racist, I hate when people make everything about racism. If your preference is white men now, I am glad you chose that. There is nothing wrong with having a preference of race.

  24. White men are universally the highest rated group of men on every racial preference stat when it comes to hook ups and dating.

    This question is stupid. The OP also says that white men are “underrated”, which makes this thread even dumber

  25. I use to date a black neighbor of mine. She was very much the same as you. Prefers white guys. When she and I would hang out her friends would call her a “snow trooper”. Nothing wrong with that. You like what you like.

  26. White f here, and white dudes don’t do it for me… married a darker complexion Indian dude bc I also love the contrast for the same reason! I also have always loved interracial porn

  27. I have never really thought about it but I have watched some porn with white guy black lady. Now that you mention it it was the contrast that was the turn on. She looked super hot against the white guy.

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