I read a article that says men will be more likely to skip protection with a girl if she is hot. So men of Reddit is this true? The number of men willing to go bare with me is a bit concerning (I don’t btw)

  1. I didn’t start wrapping my cock till I was almost thirty. Somehow I’ve never gotten more than a yeast infection. I always wrap it now. Unless it’s someone I’m having consistent sex with. That’s different.

  2. I usually don’t wear condoms. That’s because I’m usually hammered when I get laid (not good). On the other hand, I don’t use condoms because if I’m having sex with someone, we probably have been together for a while. Yes I am clean and tested lol

  3. I know quite a few younger men that rely on the woman to be in charge of birth control. Hotness isn’t necessarily a conscious driver for them. It’s tied to their sense of masculinity. They seem proud to not have to use a condom.

    For me, I came inside my high school gf twice and she got pregnant. (This was two decades ago) Have always used a condom ever since.

  4. Any man willing to go without protection should be kicked out the fucking door. That is a hard no from me until I am in an exclusive relationship (and I have had a vasectomy)

  5. I think the proper way to phrase it is are men more likely to want to use a condom if a girl is ugly. And the answer is absolutely, can’t risk getting one knocked up, because that’s not the type of girl I’m willing to settle down with.

  6. I do think about not using protection, but in my imagination I never do, but I’d never had unprotected sex, especially with a stranger

  7. As a women’s POV I’ve heard this narrative from quite a lot of men I’m not sure if it’s just the dirty talking thing or primal instinct overcoming to spread the seed and have healthy kids, but regardless be responsible and cover your willy untill you are ready to be a Dad.

  8. Hot? No

    Crazy and passionate in bed? Saddly probably like .001% more likely. Once you grow up you realize crazy is hotter than hot.

    Then you get married and realize they were all crazy all along anyways and thank God you found one who’s crazy matches yours.

  9. Wrap the twink! Protects everyone. Though I have meet guys that forgo protection but they usually come back with an STD

  10. Get close enough to getting a woman pregnant and having her suffer a pill. And you’ll forego nothing, not even your common sense. 🙄

  11. My parents raised me well. I’m 19 and I’ve slept with 5 girls including my current girlfriend and I’ve always used condoms. Even during party sex/one night stands. I’m really proud of that. I’ve got a thicker shaft than the average boy, so getting the right size can be tricky. I just had to be extra careful during the act.

    To me it feels shitty to ruin the trust a girl has in you. They are beautiful creatures, why ‘punish’ them for wanting to sleep with you by giving them potential STDs and even making them pregnant 😞

    It’s only recently that me and my gf started fucking without a condom since we both know we’re clean (got tested), and she’s on the pill.

  12. Sorry I have a breeding kink, if she is hot I am going to try my best to knock her up. A cute baby would be nice. 🙂

  13. Men will also wear condoms even if that is a bother and they would usually not when the girl is hot and demands them. They will just expose themselves to more risk and give more effort whatever that might be.

    Or feign less effort to look more attractive.

    I’m pretty sure there is a similar effect in women.

  14. Obviously this sub is completely on board with protective sex and so it should be, so a lot of responses here are going to be no, but the statement makes sense.

    If a girl is hot some men want the potentially awkward getting the condom on part of the scenario gone. They don’t want any second thoughts and are more eager to get into the action. Yeah, that’s stupid, but penis brain does penis brain things.

    I personally have only had sex with a girl when I was young (with protection) and my long term partner, my personal experience doesn’t help here.

  15. Not a hotness of woman but rather hotness of given situation. If it’s extra hot, I may forgot about protection. I’m not proud of it

  16. I only go raw if she wants to. Personally condoms help me last a lot longer so I like them. I’m way too sensitive

  17. Nope. Hell no actually. If anything Id PREFER to wear a condom because I’ll last longer lol

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