Where did you go, what did you do, how old were you, etc? This is your chance to brag and reminisce about the good times, and everyone else’s chance to get some ideas for trips to take.

  1. One of my favorite trips was with 4 friends, all in our mid-40s, to learn to kite surf in Costa Rica. We flew into Tamarindo, drove an hour or so north to a kite surfing school, and spent 3 days hanging out on the beach and in the water. Afternoons were just hanging out at the lodging, eating, and drinking. We spent a final day in Tamarindo, enjoying the beach and the beer, before we flew back to our home cities.

  2. Summers of 2004 to 2008. I made friends with some older guys and we traveled nearly every other weekend to different racetracks for racing and track days. It was an absolute blast on and off the track. Our lives have changed now, but 3 of us remain close.

    One guy tried to write a book about it, but after reading his rough draft we all agreed that it would be better not to have it published.

  3. Me and buddy, junior year of high school during the summer took my truck down to LA. We parked in the desert and just slept in the bed with sleeping bags for a few days and each day drove into LA, we hiked to the Hollywood sign, did the walk of Fame, Santa Monica pier all the touristy shit. Growing up our parents hated tourist traps so we would always vacation in niche places or popular places during off seasons and such. It was cool to just be apart of the crowd and experience the touristy stuff for the first time though

  4. Didn’t have many guys trips in my life, but the best one was probably a trip around Germany! We called it the “down-tour” because at every city things got worse, but mostly in a funny way! Might be a bit of a longer comment haha.

    Our first stop was Berlin. After a ~6-7 hour drive and noticing our car was missing some plaque allowing us to go in the city (we would have gotten a fine if we were caught) we arrived in a beautiful Airbnb. Spent like 3-4 days there, getting extremely drunk the whole time, probably averaging around 8 beers a day per person. Met a lot of funny people aswell, and went to the most notable sightseeing spots obviously! Without context, most things that happened probably wouldn’t make much sense, but overall it was an awesome time haha. When we weren’t outside, we hung out in the Airbnb half naked, playing backgammon and just generally goofing off.

    Our next target was Hamburg, where we stayed at a hotel. Being Hamburg, it obviously started raining right when we arrived. The hotel didn’t have a fridge, so we stored our masses of beer in a camping fridge, which was so loud we had to put it in the bathroom. Dont remember much of the city, apart from the tons of homeless people, and the miniature world, which is basically like a huge hall full of toy trains and beautifully crafted miniature landscapes! Really cool experience, if you ever go to Hamburg, definitely check it out 😀

    Next stop was a small town below Hamburg, where we planned on camping. Stayed there for two days, the weather was okay and it was quite fun as well! Nothing too noteworthy though, apart from the fact that two of us spontaneously decided to drive home at like 10 pm. It was a drive of around 7-8 hours, and the guy on the passenger seat was worried about his life because the driver took out the passenger airbag to install his huge subwoofer in the back of the car lol. Oh, and did I mention they had a pizza under the bonnet, because the driver wanted to keep it warm and eat part of it during the trip? Miraculously, they arrived safely back home haha.

    The next city we wanted to go to *would have been* Cologne, where one of us said he wanted to drink 30 “Kölsch” (beers in 0,2 liter glasses) at. Unfortunately one of our cars broke down on the way there, and because it was Saturday afternoon we were forced to stay 2 nights in the middle of nowhere. Frustrated as we were, the 4 of us bought like 25 liters of beer, and drank almost all of it in the first evening lol. The next day, we spent recovering from that catastrophe and went swimming in a somewhat nearby lake! We had two huge tents, but in the end I spent two nights sleeping in the passenger seat of the leftover car. No idea why tbh lol.

    Monday came around, and the car was fixed pretty quickly! We were off to Stuttgart next, where we stayed at a hotel again luckily. This was the end of the “down-tour”, since for once things actually got better. We only were there for one day, and after we checked in we immediately checked out a bar in the city. After chatting with some people and getting completely hammered, we went to bed, but for some reason I decided to sleep **under** the bed. I think my reasoning was that after two nights of sleeping in a tent, and two days of sleeping on the passenger seat of a car, sleeping on an actual bed would be too much of a shock?? That I actually went through with it still surprises me to this day tho lmao.

    Was going to write that that was basically it, but after arriving home the next day, three of us actually spontaneously decided to go to one last place after one night of rest at home.

    The next 2-3 days we spent on a hut in the Alps, just recovering from the past 1-2 weeks, making paintings and getting drunk. Maybe even my favourite destination from the trip, since we were able to completely unwind from everything that happened lol.

    Aaand and that was it! I’ll hopefully remember that trip forever, so many fond memories. Sorry that the comment got a biz longer than I expected, no hard feelings if you didn’t read through all of it, I enjoyed writing it 😀

  5. Spent a month in NZ, I’m from Canada and took the cheapest flight options which meant one way was 40-44 hours in airplanes and airports which was brutal.

    Had a best friend who I met online that lived there and she let me crash at her place.

    Spent the first few days adjusting then the rest of the week hanging out with her and her friend doing sightseeing and just enjoying life.

    Then I would buy a bus ticket and just go to a different city, explore, enjoy the museums and go on hikes, after 1-3 days I’d take a different bus to a different city and repeat.

    I made it all the way down to the south island, and I enjoyed Milford’s sound, then flew back to the north island at my friends house and hung out for a couple days then went home.

  6. It was me and my 2 best guy friends and a bunch of the guy nurses from work. We went to coachella. We rented an air bnb and it was a blast. We all had a great time. Would go again

  7. A buddy of mine and I are die hard Broncos fans and we once took a trip up to Oakland to watch Broncos/Raiders in the Black Hole – and we won!

    There were a few tense moments with certain Raiders fans and we definitely got jeered at, but for the most part it was a blast and an awesome NFL experience to support your team on the road for a rivalry game 👍

  8. Only been on 1, went to a beach house and played video games and drank all weekend.
    Would do it again in a heart beat

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