Like if you’re standing and someone’s walking past you and bumps into your side when they have more than enough room to not do so does it mean anything? I have asbergers so I suck with recognizing social cues. It makes me angry though when people do it.

  1. if it’s a stranger, they’re just rude and probably expected you to move for them lmao

  2. Sometimes, depends on the person, they could be targeting you, trying to steal something from you, trying to assert some form of dominance, but the most likely reason is they got stuck in their own little world and didn’t realise they were walking into you, people have horrible perception and only focus on themselves mostly.

    Honestly even without asbergers its hard to tell without someone telling you, but most of the time its accidental, there are situations where people will do it to start shit but thats obvious because it’ll go from a bump to them in your face.

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