My husband (30) and I 23F, have a pretty big size difference. I’m 5’4 and petite, he is 6’5 and very muscular.

Sex usually hurts a bit but I enjoy pain so I don’t mind. However, my husband is a very vanilla person and the possibility of causing me pain is killing his sex drive. We used to have sex 4/5 times a week but it’s dropped down to twice a week. He’s alright with being rough when I ask for it, but the fact that it hurts regardless doesn’t sit right with him.

How do we manage this size difference? I’ve heard of some toys that can be used but Google isn’t helping much. I’ve tried to hide the fact that it hurt but I can’t hide a limp very well lmao.

  1. Is the pain related to his overall physical size or his penis size? The former seems manageable with different positions. The latter would lead me to first ask if you are using lube?

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