when do u find time to read your books , or you do read anymore?

  1. I went through a long period of not properly reading due to time constraints. Whilst I listened to a lot of audio books it just wasn’t the same.

    That changed when I picked up an e-reader app. Now in the moments of short down time throughout the day I’ll read from my phone (or browse Reddit, they both battle for my attention).

    Works quite well, I’ve read about 15 books so far this year (which I’m quite pleased with).

  2. I make time. Maybe not everyday, but most days. And I try to vary it. My rule is 2 fiction books, then 1 non fiction.

  3. I have enough time during my work to read. In a month on work (month on work, month home) I can read 2-4 books

  4. I had the problem with finding time to read books until January this year. In the past, I was reading a bit chaotically, without ‘forcing’ the time allocation for it. I was mostly reading during my commuting, in subway – it was a perfect place to read.

    However, everything changed when I started treating reading books differently. From ‘occasional reading’ I switched to ‘regular reading time no matter what’. Besides that, I even started taking notes of every book that I read.

    What I realised, listing every book that you read in some dedicated place (in my case it’s a spreadsheet that I see when my browser starts) – motivates you to keep adding them to this list. Besides that, I take notes of each book that I read – and it also motivates you to keep adding these ideas, all this knowledge. You literally see your progress in such way, which makes you more motivated to read more. In my case, it resulted in a [book reading habit](https://maxreva.com/how-i-formed-my-book-reading-habit-and-read-15-books-in-9-months/) that I follow for 9 months . It helped me to read about 15 books during this time. (I documented it, if you’re curious to learn more)

    So, that was the part about motivation. And as for the time – I can guarantee you that everyone who’s using Reddit can find at least 15 minutes per day to read something. You can start with 5 even, then do 10, then do 15, etc etc. Regularity is the key here. I understood it in the past, but I haven’t found a working way to do it until just started ‘listing’ it and turned it into some sort of ‘fun game’.

    Besides that, in my case, I realized that evening time has the most opportunities to find time for myself – so I read evenings usually, before going to bed

  5. I read every night before bed. I turn off my phone about an hour or two before I plan to sleep, and make that time for reading.

  6. Weekend mornings: Skinny dipping in the hot tub, coffee, and read for an hour or two. Weekday evenings: Same.

  7. I mostly read before going to sleep. I go to bed around 9, pull the book out and read. If it’s a book I find super interesting, I’ll read for a good 30 mins +, but if like right now I’m reading a book I have a harder time with, I’ll read maybe 10 mins. I honestly fall asleep a lot better after having read than when I browse my phone.

    Otherwise I’ll read during breaks or low times during work, doesn’t happen all that often as of late.

  8. I’ve been reading webcomics mostly, but usually I keep a book for long rides (public transports) or when I have to wait (appointment, delayed train, no classes…) I usually give myself one hour befor sleep if I like a book, I drop the phone and make sure to not use it until the next morning

  9. I usually read at work my job has a lot of down time and I usually get. 1-2 hours of reading in a night unless it’s busy sometimes I’ll read 4 hours worth of the book though because it’s just that dead

  10. I used to read a lot while commuting. But now I work from home, so it’s harder to find time–I keep the books I’m reading on easily accessible so I think of it when I do have time!

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