I wanted a suggestion. I am in a conflict where i wanted to marry my partner but her mother has done something so horrible that it makes my respect less for her. I am afraid if i marry my partner i will end up saying bad about her and then she will not be able to take it.

Should i take this thought so seriously and plan to not go ahead?

  1. You need to be able to be open and honest with someone you marry. But you also need to show some restraint and not be disrespectful about it.

  2. Ask your partner not us. We do not know what happened so we lack info and it is your partner’s job to set the boundaries on her mom.

    Your decision is whether she can maintain boundaries that are acceptable to you.

  3. My husband talks Shit about the ridiculous stuff my parents have done and do. I do the same. I mean shit, she’s probably just as tired of it as you

  4. I zero respect for my mother in-law. I can’t stand her and want nothing to do with her. My husband understands this. Luckily we don’t live anywhere near her, so I rarely have to see her. I do not stop my husband from having whatever relationship he wants with her, I am as nice as I have to be when I do see her, but that is out of respect for my husband, not her.

    I had never even met his parents till the day we got married.

  5. My husband does not respect my mother, but I don’t either really so it has never been an issue. We both agree that she has problems and that we need to have healthy boundaries where she is concerned. I could see where it would be a big problem though if we disagreed about how we should engage/not engage with her.

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