men, what would you do if your nudes got leaked in the internet?

  1. u would not really care, but since i dont really take nudes (hate the way i look rn). they would not get leaked

  2. Um, they’re already all over the internet. Well, I guess for those of us that post them here anyways…

  3. Wonder how nudes of me exist when I have never taken any, then wonder why anybody would want to look at that in the first place. Probably feel a sense of guilt for the feelings of shock and disgust the images would no doubt inspire in the onlooker. Then just stop caring

  4. I’ve not taken any nudes so we’re getting into criminal territory by someone else here

  5. Wonder who got nudes of me, how, and why. Nothing to see here, and they ain’t getting shit if they try to blackmail me with posting nudes, except maybe the back of my hand.

  6. Hopefully someone would have an opinion about this weird mole that I’m too scared to go ask the doctor about.

  7. I’ve been nude in front of some fairly big groups of people I don’t really know and some work colleagues and what I’ve found is most people don’t really care. So no I’ve got no issue here as others have said leak better nudes. I’m flattered that someone wants to look at em.!!!

  8. Probably die laughing because when and how would be interesting to see. Especially considering the fact I haven’t had anything in years

  9. If I was stupid enough to send naked pics to someone else, I would be getting exactly what I deserved.

  10. Take stock of my life and ask myself why I ever thought it was a good idea to take nudes. Like for real, what is the up side of this? I’ll never understand.

  11. Ive never taken a nude, never will, nor have i taken a dick pick, sent or texted a dick.

  12. NGL I’d enjoy it a little. Hey I’m famous on the internet, take a look!

    They better be good photos, good framing, good lighting, no technical errors, etc.

    (I think this question is a proxy for how important the responder thinks the internet is in their lives. For me, its not important, don’t care.)

  13. Nothing? I can’t take them down or do anything about it so the only option is to just continue with my life as normal

  14. Shrug and say “oh well, i knew this had a non zero chance of happening before I sent them so im not gonna whine about it.”

  15. wonder what happened with the hidden camera suddenly appearing since i havent taken a nude of myself in well over a decade

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