Where Were You When September 11 2001 Happen?

  1. At home. I remember watching it on the news, while sitting on the couch, waiting for dinner to be ready. I was too young to really understand what happened. It was the first time I learned about the word “terrorist” and I just knew that without those towers, New York City would never be the same

  2. I was four years old and in kindergarten. I was focused about eating candy and chocolate milk šŸ„› šŸ˜‹.

  3. 1st grade . Heard it over the principals somber intercom announcement…was early dismissal shortly after..

  4. It was 21 years ago, who really gives a shit any more? Better question, when are we going to get rid of the PATRIOT act?

  5. I was in a chip shop buying dinner. They had a TV on the wall. Nobody in the queue was paying attention to the food.

  6. On the way to work. Heard about it on the radio and thought it was a Cesna or something. Didn’t get to see footage until I got home.

  7. I have a very distinct memory of the attack being announced when I was at recess in 4th grade over the loudspeakers.

    But I was in third grade at a completely different school when 9/11 happened.

    So I know first hand how terrible our memories are.

  8. Iā€™m Australian so I didnā€™t know until I put the TV on in the morning, couldnā€™t believe what I was seeing.

    It amazes me that people say it was 21 years ago, get over it, almost 3000 people were killed in the attacks & you want people to ā€œget over itā€ or ā€œmove onā€? Have some respect for those who passed & their families.

    21 years later & I still sit down to watch the docos shown each year about the event & remember it all like it was yesterday.

  9. This question should be on r/askanamerican. I get you want to know the person’s personal experience but I’d imagine 9/11 won’t mean much to anyone outside of the United States and reddit is a global platform so….

  10. I was in my office at home. I got up early to finish something for a client. Just about 6:00am I saw the news.

  11. It happened just past 8am right? That’s 2pm in my timezone so lunch after school. Don’t remember it tho, it probably hit the news in the evening here and I was 6.

  12. My best friend and former college roommate who just graduated and got a job in NYC called me and told me after the first plane hit, he was stuck in traffic and could see the whole thing.

    I got out of bed and turned on the TV, Iā€™m in AZ, it was very early here.

  13. Getting ready for work that morning. When I saw the first tower burning, I went up and rolled my then wife out of bed. Work sort of went on “I’m not going” yet mode. My wife on the otherhand, had to go, so, she went. I stayed to watch it. Then, I saw another airliner fly past on tv in the background of the burning tower. Instantly, I thought, ”That one’s going to plow into the other tower” It did. Then I started to admire those two buildings for taking such a hellacious whipping, and they still stood up. I called my wife to tell her another plane hit the other tower, she and her boss didn’t know that.

    Since I was working outside, and I had a job to do, I had to go to work. I did, as the day progressed, I wasn’t seeing any planes fly over. Then, just before I finished, I saw five fly over at about 5000 feet, four fighter jets, one big one, it was Air Force One. But, Over Indiana????

    It wasn’t until years later, I found out why.

  14. At home, 5 years old (pretty sure I’m among the youngest people who remember). I remember hearing that a plane had crashed into a big building in NYC, and my parents telling me not to look at the tv. I glanced at it, and saw firetrucks and a burning building. After awhile my parents sent me and my sister to play in the basement (I now know that was when the second plane hit).

    I also remember about a week later hearing a deafening BOOM that shook the house, and running to the basement to take shelter from what seemed to be another attack. It turned out to be a sonic boom from fighter jets responding to a suspected hijacking (thankfully it wasn’t).

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