I tried looking for that online but all I see that flattery is insincere and appreciation is sincere but it doesn’t give me the slightest hint of the technical differences. My exact question is what might make appreciation seem like flattery and how to do appreciation right

  1. Appreciation is when “You’ve must have put in a lot of love and effort for your home, it’s beautiful, where did you source for that piece of rug?”

    Flattery, “Your place looks nice!”

    Appreciation goes into the details. Flattery is just surface comment? That’s my personal take.

    Eh it’s like movies. When I really love a show, I will go into detail how the actor portray the underlying emotions, and how I love the dynamics of different characters. Like Encanto, Harry Potter fans can go on and on about it (I can hahaha).

    Appreciation feels genuine, and shows genuine interest. Flattery is more of to please ppl?

  2. I think context makes a big difference. Like if you said “wow your new shirt looks great!” to your boss when you’re being considered for a promotion it might be seen more as flattery. If you said the same thing to your friend at like cookout it might be seen more as appreciation. Also if you’ve just met someone compliments may seem more like flattery than if it were an old friend.

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