
So I am a freshman in university. I am having a tough time finding a close friend or even a group. Like everyone formed one and when I try to hangout with my roommates they are either busy or don’t want to. I’m started to feel really lonely and depressed. I don’t know what to do.

  1. Join a club or volunteer, for example I volunteered for peer counseling in uni.

    Become a regular at a cafe or study place so you see the same people over time.

    Make small talk with your classmates, even just “it’s so hot today” or whatever.

    Show you’re interested in meeting and getting to know people and they will react positively to your energy.

  2. do you have a toastmasters near you? easy to make friends. depends what you want to do with friends.

  3. I hope u make friends. Good luck. Don’t feel down because it’s not the end of world. This feelings last temporary, like I’ve been homebody for 5 yrs now and I joined community college two yrs ago. I actually never been to campus but I can understand how it feels to not have friends. I guess my reasons are that I don’t know myself whenever I look in the mirror. I just can’t seem to connect with myself. Yet I’ve come to a realization that I need to change my mindset and do the things that make me uncomfortable to get me comfortable which would be going out of my house and actually meeting new people and trying to build and ways to network. I’ve been living my life on the boundary such as fear failures and regrets.

  4. You’re in a time of transition. Focus on yourself. Your own likes and goals. Others will come to you

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