My boyfriend was sick this weekend. Feverish and just run down and his throat was hurting. I noticed he had a harder time getting fully erect. He’s usually always rock hard.

I also noticed he wasn’t waking up hard, or hard througout the night while we were sleeping. He’s always like this. I know our bodies aren’t machines, but I’m curious to hear from other guys. When you’re sick and not feeling well, does it affect your spontaneity for random hard on s?

He says it has NOTHING to do with me.. and I believe him, or I want to. Any thoughts?

  1. How does it effect you when you’re sick? Are you horny and up for sex if you had his illness? I know I wouldn’t be

  2. You need to be in good condition to have good erections. Being sick, hurt, depressed, anxious, tense, afraid, distracted, etc., can all make for weak erections, if not kill them all together.

  3. His body is actively fighting off bacteria//infection//whatever.

    Yes it can have an affect on his boners.

  4. This has made me laugh uncontrollably, I want you to know.

    While erections might seem a force of nature due to how often and easy they come, we are still very much human. Plenty of activities make it difficult to become erect.

    So, to answer your question, yes, sickness can have an effect on boners, it depends on how tired he is, as the body tends to lessen sexual desire with sickness, it definitely has nothing to do with you and he should be back to normal in a few days, provided it’s a cold or something like that. Don’t worry about this and thank you for this question, I’m still smiling as I type, it was sweet of you to be worried about this 😂

  5. > He says it has NOTHING to do with me.. and I believe him, or I want to. Any thoughts?

    It is not about you, he was sick, and his body was fighting the infection.

  6. your immune system and reproductive systems both use huge amounts of resources. Its pretty reasonable, if you think about it that way, that fighting off an infection would give the reproductive system less to work with.

  7. Is that a joke?

    I don’t often say this but this is actually a stupid question. Yes being sick effects you mentally and physically.

  8. Are you as wet and horny as usual when you’re sick? Same applies to him. The body has different priorities when we’re ill.

  9. Give him a free days, let him rest. It’s not a stupid question, ignore the assholes who are saying it is. Just let him get better and it’ll go back to normal.

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