would a guy hold a girls purse when say she goes to the toilet? or do they just prefer not to be asked to do so?

  1. In my case sure I don’t care. But if u plan on doing it, do it with someone u trust u don’t know if he will steal it/peak inside.

  2. It’s not a big deal.
    If a guy makes a big deal over holding a purse, their masculinity is extremely fragile. Possibly a huge red flag

  3. I mean i would, but don’t you need stuff in the purse when you battle whatever demons are in there?

  4. Of course, I’ll hold your purse if you need me to. I think most of us are secure enough to handle that with no issue.

  5. There is no definitive answer to this question, as it depends on the guy’s personal preferences. Some guys may be happy to hold a girl’s purse for her while she goes to the toilet, while others may prefer not to be asked to do so. Ultimately, it is up to the individual guy to decide whether or not he is comfortable holding a girl’s purse for her.

  6. I can but I’m stealin’ some of your mints. Sorry. I got compulsive mint theft syndrome.

  7. It’s fine, just don’t ask a stranger to do it.

    Of course I would prefer not to be asked, but that’s true of literally any task/favor. It’s still fine.

  8. It’s no big deal at all. But, my experience is that the vast majority of women prefer to carry their own purse, especially for bathroom breaks. They use make-up, tampons, breath mints, etc. that all reside in their purse.

  9. I carry my wife’s purse all the time. Sometimes I’ll even carry it from the car if she’s holding hands with my daughter.

    Any guy who objects to holding a purse for a moment has some confidence issues.

  10. Of course. It’s being courteous

    Now if she asked me to hold a big black dildo while she went to the bathroom? I would have to say maybe

  11. I have and will many more times. It doesn’t affect me and its a nice thing to do. I believe guys who have an issue with it are just insecure and worry about being judged effeminate by strangers.

  12. On occasion, no problem. All the time, I’m not your bellhop. It’s mostly about attitude. Just ask nicely.

  13. I do it all the time. I prefer to don it over one shoulder and prance around with it until my wife is done laughing and demands to have it back.

  14. Depends if they’d hold my backpack while I did the same. It’s basically just ripstop and a water bottle.

    >but it’s not the same!

    It’s principle. Equal treatment means *equal*. Not “all the positives, none of the negatives”.



    (I’m sure this is understood but this is less about gender roles and masculine/feminine and more personal preference)

    Like for example, I don’t know if you’re bringing this up as a theoretical, but you do know that doing something like this is sort of like me asking a lady to hold my wallet right? But like my wallet and every other important item on me at once.

    I say this because (once again) if we remove the concept of gender norms here, women don’t necessarily feel okay having this away from them for long periods of time in the same way you’d feel leaving your wallet and keys with someone for like longer than ten minutes.

    So when they usually ask this, it actually means they understand they’re in a scenario where they would feel it’s either safer with you (like say a dark night club and there’s 50 girls in the bathroom so it would be lost), or trust that you’d be the better person to have it during that moment (I’ve had times where a women was going into say a super sketch gas station bathroom so that would make sense to just keep it with me over being a potential target)

    So as a final “duh” moment to the fragile masculine out there; when a women actually ask you this, it means that they trust you.

    So find solace in the fact that if you’re the type of person that wouldn’t hold a purse for lady, don’t worry: they probably don’t trust you enough in the first place anyways so it’s a win win there

  16. So I’m going to answer both questions with an answer that you don’t want to hear.

    YES, we will hold your purse when you go to the toilet. NO, we do not like doing it or being asked.

    BUT, you are the one that lets us do naked things together.

    So we WILL 100% absolutely hold that fucking purse. We just don’t have to like it.

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