I knew this guy for about nearly 4 years and I kinda have a crush on him but in no way would I want to overstep any boundaries because I respect them and their relationship.

Im not sure if he’s flirting but he says things like that I’m very short, my hands are so small, your so small that I can just pick you up.
But the most uncomfortable thing that happened was that

1: he touched my waist from behind me a little bit because he pretending to “throw” me like a ball in gym

2: asked when my period started because he says that two years after a girl has her first period, they stop growing in height

3:he cornered me into a corner (he was very up close)
And did not move even though I told him multiple times to back away

Hes asked me before on whether or not I have a boyfriend, am I straight etc.

I feel like I’m overreacting but I just really need advice.
What do I do?

TL;DR a Guy that I have known for years has started making me uncomfortable by touching or comments, I’ve told stop a few times but he still does it a FEW times. Should I no longer be friends with him?

  1. Get away from a guy who won’t move even though you tell him to back away. He is not your friend. You are not overreacting; your gut is telling you he’s up to no good.

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