What’s the infatuation with sports (especially college)?

  1. Something to talk about and care about I imagine

    Ive been thinking about getting into sports just so I can have something to talk about at work

  2. Competition. I only focused on basketball though. Most of my friends are from other places since I moved to FL so the endless shit talking and betting is fun.

  3. I love watching the best of the best play a sport that i also enjoyed playing. some people are just born into a sports family, they may have a connection to it with their dad, brother, etc. it’s something you can turn on and just watch. that’s what i would assume most people watch professional sports for. they have a love for the sport, and can watch the best in the world do it a extremely high level.

  4. Gambling!! With college you can gamble on teams like Hawaii that play at midnight. It’s important to win back those losses from earlier in the day haha

  5. Entertainment. Humans have always seen competition, up to and including war, to be entertaining. So we enjoy seeing it, cheering for certain people or teams.

    College sports are where you’re going to find the next huge names in the sport. The ones whose career you follow, whose jersey number you buy, whose championship run you’ll watch from the very beginning.

    It’s like going on the journey with them, vicariously.

  6. My in-laws are huge on sports, there’s always a game of some sort on the TV. I don’t get it either. That being said, I’m car guy and I don’t think they get it either…..until their car breaks or they need vehiclular opinions

  7. I grew up playing sports in a family that played sports, so it has been part of my life since I can remember. Simple as that for me.

  8. Especially if you went to the college, there is a certain amount of love for the institution. Also, these are kids mostly 18 to 22 years old and full of energy and emotion that the older professionals lose because 1. They are older and 2. it’s their job. Also, it might sound weird, but the fact they are less skilled than the pros lends more variability and excitement, and there is always a lot of turnover on the roster because they have a max of four years of eligibility. Those are the reasons people like college sports.

  9. Competition can be fun.

    Also it’s not an “infatuation”.

    Infatuations are temporary and fleeting. It’s a love for whatever sport it is. Even if you remove the gambling component people still spend billions on sports (everything from tailgating, to merchandise, to tickets, etc.)

    An infatuation would mean that this is basically a fad but it’s not considering it’s been going on for thousands of years (from at least the Coliseum to now).

  10. Vicarious competition. Guys who didn’t take care of their bodies (and thereby can’t do a sport in adulthood) early in life need some kind of competitive outlet, so some go to things like video games and other go to sports. When “your” team wins, you can pretend YOU won.

    I personally prefer DOING the sport myself, but to be fair MMA is a lot more accessible to normal people than ball/team sports.

  11. Sports are a ton of fun to watch and play, they’re a way to be a part of something bigger than yourself, and they’re one of the main ways I connect with my friends and family.

  12. I generally don’t care about college sports. Though I do pay attention to my alma mater. Taking #6 in the country down is always fun.

  13. See, golf is my passion. When you’re running to the end zone, getting ready to make your free throw, you have to watch out because the goalie is running at you from third base. It’s hard enough to get into the pole position when they’re trying to get you down for the count of ten. But…when you toss the shot put and the crowd goes “OLE!!”, there’s nothing like it.

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