What’s your age range and definition of a perfect night out?

  1. 24, I go out with a large group of peeps, we start with food that I usually cook to make sure the younger ones don’t tap out too early. Then we head off to our fav LGBT+ Pub/club, stay there from maybe 9pm-close, find another place to hang (whether at a club or someone’s flat), find more food, talk about politics and philosophy after food untill feeling the pull of sleep. Find a bed, night over around 4-6am. Wake up, find more food, gather friends and talk about any drama that got missed from previous night.

    A perfect night in my eyes must include:

    * Includes long chats in the big bathroom with a group of us taking our turn to pee
    * No tears, unless happy tears from seeing dog
    * No hate crimes (we’re all LGBTQA+ so this is a rare one)
    * Bringing home a traffic cone (or similar) to mark the end of a wonderful night (I feel this is a very English thing so if you do this in another country pls speak up, I’m curious.)

  2. In early thirties. Restaurant and bar hop (breweries, cocktail bars, no clubs) from 8-12, go home, chill and hangout.

    This hasn’t changed much since I was 21.

  3. I’m 33. A perfect night out would be meeting up with a friend or two, going to a concert or small club gig that ends around maybe 11 PM to midnight, then spending the rest of the night having drinks and talking to random people at a bar or club. If I’m home earlier than 3AM and not still at least a bit tipsy, was it even a night out?

  4. I’m 21 and a perfect night out is when my gf and I along with the dog go hang out at a brewery. It’s relatively inexpensive and all three of us are together.

  5. 5 years either side of my age.
    Good night = good food, basic respect, returning safely home.
    Great night= as above + easy conversation, shared activity, momento of the night.
    Perfect night out= a night in.

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