Hi so I met this chick on a dating app and a little over a week after we started chatting she said she wasnt looking for a relationship or FWB. This person is cool af so i figured it was a hit or miss. We continued to text and talk she could of stopped talking to me after the fact because she hardly knows anything about me. Fast forward 2 months in and she calls me and we talk over the phone for like 2-3hrs at most and she tells me that she likes my voice and that she likes that i wear glasses? Lol. Anyways, we have planned to meet up and hang out cause she states herself that she wants to hang out. She sends me pictures of herself and very openly talks about anything including her body and stuff. She makes fun of me because I look younger than what i state i am shes only a year older than me but calls me “young one” or “child”. What is going on here? I have stopped thinking about where this can lead to and what it is. But can anyone point out whats going on? Is she changing her mind or shes afraid or the most direct one I’ve been friendzoned ?LOL.

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