We (20M + 20F) have been dating for 2 months and I know she likes me back. We have done a lot of intimate stuff and are slowly connecting emotionally. We are currently long-distance (2hrs) but have already made plans to see each other soon.

She isn’t the best at texting and seems pretty shy. When I send her flirty texts, she always replies with “:)” and I don’t know if she likes them or she is just being nice.

What do you think?

  1. Well if she replies only with “:)” it means she has nothing else to say, so she just says that to keep the conversation going.

    While if she adds “:)” to her texts such as hey 🙂 it means she’s being friendly and nice to you.

  2. >”She isn’t the best at texting and seems pretty shy.”

    I’d say that about sums it up. Take it in stride.

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