Ey yo. Everytime I sleep with a girl, be it with a fuckfriend, one night stand or a girlfriend, I always feel a massive need to protect her after I’ve reached orgasm (I usually make her come before me). Especially the times I fuck a girl with a bare cock and bust my semen inside her, I feel so incredibly protective. It’s a feeling like no other. I feel totally complete as a male, and I just want to spoon her, hold her strongly in my arms and caress her stomach until we both fall asleep. I feel like I could take on a hundred bears if needed be, just to keep my girl safe.

Is this purely a personal thing, or is it rooted in biology? Why do I love rubbing her stomach so much after sex though? It’s where the womb and ovaries are, so maybe that’s it?

My buddies say that they just wanna roll over and fall asleep after they nut, but that’s not me at all. I feel this strong urge to hold her against me and cradle her tightly in my arms. To feel her heartbeat and breathing. Often that feeling itself makes me so horny I want to go for round two (and three etc). And often we do. But it always ends with me switching into protector mode again.

This is not being possessive, jealous or insecure btw. I comes from a deeper place than that. Hard to explain.

Is this post-sex urge common in us men? Is there a scientific explanation? BTW I’m 19. She’s 16.

EDIT: Age of consent is 16 here in Norway and it’s normal for the girl to be a couple years younger than the boy. It’s only a 3 year age difference.

EDIT: Every time I’m unable to snuggle after sex due to external circumstances, I feel as If I’ve betrayed her somehow. This even goes for hookups and causal sex. Not every girl likes the spooning.

  1. I think I’ve heard before that sometimes men feel protective over sex partners instinctively because that person could be carrying their child. That might also explain why you enjoy rubbing her stomach.

  2. I don’t appreciate how you seem so threatening to the bears sir. What they ever do to you?

  3. sex triggers a hormone called oxytocine. One of it’s purpose is developing trust and protection for the partner. Combining with certain personalities it could trigger protective behavior. I think the most important thing to look for is to recognize the feeling of closeness vs. desire to control. Loving someone without jelousy or desire to control that person could be very special and it applies to your attitude toward your life or make difference between being happy or angry at the world. Anyways it is importnt for everyone to know the oxytocin’s effect.


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