I wanna spice up our sex life and try new things. We’re slowing incorporating small things into our sex life, like spanking, choking, etc. And I just want some cool shit to whisper into his ear because I know he likes that kind of thing. Also, any other suggestions would be dope.

Edit: Also!!! Anything to say when he’s about to cum/cumming?

  1. I’ma piss on your face… and I’ma fart in your mouth, I’ma shit on these walls (sorry, your post reminded me of this, Scary Movie 2 quote)

  2. “We’ve been trying to contact you about your car’s extended warranty”

    Actual suggestions may change a bit depending on if you’re a top or a bottom, or if it’s either.

  3. Here’s some actual suggestions lol.

    “You feel so good” “you’re so deep” “cum in me” “fuck me harder” you could even add “daddy” on the end to some of these. Also,, tell him what you what him to do: “spank me” “choke me” etc. 🙂

  4. “You know, I was just thinking about Curie’s law. About how the magnetic susceptibility of a paramagnetic substance is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature.”

  5. When he’s doing foreplay to you, pul him onto/into you while saying I need you to fuck me right now/please I just need your cock

  6. I recently dropped an “I want you” in my girl’s ear and she went NUTS. So simple and tame, but I’ve never gotten such a big reaction from something purely verbal before.

    It took seeing her react that way to realize this is EXACTLY what I want to hear from a partner, and that’s why it occurred to me to say it.

  7. I want you…now

    I am so horny

    I so wanna get down and dirty with you

    I am so wet


    Cum for me you hot fuck

  8. Ok a few examples. I love the way your hard cock feels inside me. I can’t get enough of you. Just his name. Fuck me as hard as you can. Choke me so I can cum. Spank me it feels so good. Oh my god you’re incredible. I worship your cock. I want you inside me all the time. I want you to cum hard and deep. I love it when you do x and y. I want you so badly. I need you.

  9. Love your name and you can say things like “you feel so good inside of me” “I want you” etc then for when he’s close you can say something like “I want you cum please give it to me” or “cum for me baby”.

    Hope this helps

  10. The other night I was having sex. He kept saying how he was about to cum and had to keep stopping and couldn’t go full throttle like he wanted to (it happens sometimes) no big deal. So finally we got in doggy. I just ended up saying “don’t hold back. Just fuck me till you explode. Cum inside me if you need to. Lose control. Just fucking explode inside of me” … well he did , lol and it was sexy. I wanted him to know he doesn’t have to hold it back.

  11. Denying or commanding orgasms is pretty fun, tell him he’s not allowed to cum when you feel like he’s getting close, slow down and make him keep going, that kind of thing. When you’re ready and want to give him release tell him to cum for you/in you/on you, etc. He can also do the same to you. It can be torture sometimes but my god the release when you finally finish.

  12. “How would you like it if I made you a sandwich and then left you alone to do what you want dirty boy?!?!”

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