So I 20m have known this girl 20f for around 2 years, we talked here or their and over time I developed feelings for her. After hanging out with her and some other friends at the same time a few times, she added me on Snapchat. We texted a few times and eventually I asked her out to lunch. I thought the date went ok but felt like she wasn’t interested either in me or in a relationship at the time. So I stopped messaging her and then she ended up going back to college a few hours a way and we didn’t see each other for around a year.

Now recently I saw her at a party and near the end of the night she sat near me and we talked for a bit and she gave me a compliment on my outfit and asked to borrow one of my books so she could read a bit that night if that means anything, anyways after this I’ve been thinking of messaging her on snapchat and seeing if it will go anywhere and maybe try to get her phone number. Anyways is this a good idea or would it be a bit weird given that we’ve already been on a date around a year ago?

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