What are some things you struggle with that you wish you didn’t?

  1. Reading people. I’ve found that others are able to instantly gauge someone’s emotional state by their “vibe” whereas I have to analyse their body language and speech patterns to see if there’s a shift from their norm. I find that this has helped me in a lot of ways but it made me feel alienated as a child.

  2. Depression and self esteem. And finding a girlfriend that a can have a long relationship (longer than a month) with.
    I’m not unconfident I talk loud and don’t back down often. But self esteem being low really hurts that. Depression doesn’t help with the self esteem or the finding a girlfriend thing. I got it in my head that theirs no point in asking a girl out as she probably already has someone or she to good for me orrr it would end quick like every other relationship or well literally any reason.

    Understand I’m not an ugly man. I’m a 5 plus or minus 1 depending on who’s looking and plus or minus one on top of that depending on the day. I work out and have been complimented on my physique multiple times. My face/teeth/ears/nose are the issues it just doesn’t look good. Plus my teeth are alittle crooked not insanely but enough for one of my female friends to rate me a 4 out of ten. My ears poke out alot and my nose is well alittle more than average sized.

    Anyway that’s what I’m struggling with. And I’m trying to find a logical solution to my problems but my brain keeps pointing me towards the idea of eugenics so I don’t feel to bad about failing out of the gene pool.

    Honestly it’s easier to just ignore the issues

  3. It’s very easy for me to look down on others for any reason at all. It’s starting to bother me now that I caught myself doing it to my friends.

  4. my privilege, just fucking around, I struggle with understanding when and how a gigantic ass became a good thing?

  5. slow talkers and ppl who don’t understand how to speak on the phone.

    i work behind a phone for 50 hours a week INBOUND CALLS meaning they call me bc they need something.

    the younger ppl don’t understand that talking into a mic is ongoing and it must be done during the whole conversation otherwise it will require you repeat the info and it will just increase your anxiety bc everyone under 40 has they for some reason.

    also, i’m really exhausted by black and brown people declaring that everything is fucking racist. They are constantly accusing me of being a white person and being racist and with these live at home, don’t pay rent while college is paid for types do not understand is that I’m full-blown dark skinned from another fucking country and I put myself through university so I sound like an educated person bc I AM!! why is it so difficult for my own people to understand that we can also be educated. We can also go to school, by choice, and actually be successful at it?
    who’s racist now ignorant motherfucker? you tried to size up your own kind and you fucking missed. btw, how little do you think of brown and Black people and how highly do you think of the white man where you’re assuming that my ability to simply speak coherently and use leader ship skills over the phone is somehow above average in your ridiculous world?! Jesus Christ. You fucking better man. Pay attention in this those fucking class is that someone handed you for free. most white people don’t even get to go to college. Stay fucking humble. Damn. Sometimes my people just embarrass the fuck out of me.

  6. Tbh the only thing holding me back is my weight. Drop 75 lbs and most of my other goals in life would fall in place. Wish it just came naturally for me like it seems to for many.

  7. Hating my body & face. Wish I had a better one.

    I go to the gym but that can’t change everything I want to change abt it

  8. people in general, i think over all i gain though as i dont need to deal with people in real life as i dont socialize

  9. Not really liking women that much, and not really liking gay dudes that much lol. I’m just stuck in purgatory.

    That and not being able to sleep at normal times. That one will probably do me in.

  10. Family. Love them to death but at the same time they are the reason for many, if not all my worried and stressors.

  11. Dating.

    I’m a former Russian, lived in US for over 30 years. US citizen, former US Army veteran.

    For the past two years, I’ve been rejected by dozens of women because of my past background ( former Russian ). My self confidence went down the toilet.

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