So. Me (25) (NB) him (22) (FTM)
We got our dog (his primarily) tested for cancer. I was confident of it’s negative results he who loves this dog more than anything was worried. I’ve been caring for him through these past two weeks of waiting for the result. The day came where the result should have been in. I askd him if he wanted me to be there. Where i expected him to ask for me to be there for him through any result he seemed rather blasé about it. I just wanted to be there for him so together went up to the clinic he works at to find the results for ourselves. I immediately saw Hystiocytoma wow what great news super duper benign! I got excited but saw he was carefully reading word for word the prognosis explanation. I calmed down and let him. Saw the tears of relief well up in his eyes. I gave him a hug. That he didn’t give back. So I was there akwardly holding his shoulders. He saw one of his coworkers and screamed how excited he was that his dog didn’t have cancer. He’s not a screamer he’s not a hugger he ran up to her so fast and they embraced. I honestly felt weird. Like high school when u see you’re crush run up to someone with there school acceptance letter even if they r just friends. And they bonded over cancer fears I still feel like that was my hug. That’s the whole reason I was there. Obviously it’s his body and he can hug whoever. But like. Idk…I feel like he didn’t rly want me for what was going to be the biggest news of his life. And when he goes to others with his excitement…. Idk. How to convey that I’m not jely or mad I just wonder if he comfortable expressing himself in these intimate moments with me.

TL;DR: my fiancé and I finally got a negative cancer diagnosis on his dog. He screamed excitedly to his coworker. They have bonded over cancer fears as her dog has cancer. But he ignored me and directed his excited somewhere else. He gave away a hug ment for me I feel like. I don’t know how to go about talking to him about this. What should I say?

  1. >I feel like he didn’t rly want me for what was going to be the biggest news of his life

    Seems like you’re blowing this out of proportion

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