Did you feel self-conscious? Like other kids must be smarter because they don’t ask questions?

  1. I felt differently in every class but I could see that when I don’t understand the subject, I would struggle to ask cause I feel like the kids would laugh at me.
    For example in math class I barely asked questions cause I get super nervous and almost have a meltdown and my teacher didn’t make it easier, she would be mean and heavily sarcastic.
    Now in history I would battle the teacher’s knowledge like I must survive and it was always a blast.

  2. I asked questions after class or emailed my teachers. I didn’t ask questions during class because I didn’t want to take away my teacher’s teaching time, and I didn’t want to be ridiculed as a teacher’s pet or “That’s a dumb question.”

  3. I’m deaf & was mainstreamed and it was horrifically embarrassing. I needed a lot of help with note.

  4. In my case, I’m a really anxious person and asking a question during the lecture is pretty intimidating. I’m a university student so lectures contain over 60 + students to kinda combat that, I write down my question before I forget and ask them after class or visit my prof during his/her office hours where it would just be one on one. Sometimes, I muster the courage to just ask in front of everyone because there has been countless times where i’m study for a test or just doing homework and I regret not asking for help. When you are home yea, google and the internet can help but you your prof could’ve done that and you would just save a lot of time and struggling.

  5. I never did. It made me feel dumb.

    I sucked at math and one of my earlier memories of math my teacher loudly told me she wouldn’t go through it again I should’ve paid attention. I was picked on after that for being dumb. I did pay attention, I never figured it out.

    I failed or barely passed every math class after that and never asked for help again in any class.

  6. I felt no shame in asking questions during class. If I didn’t understand something, I would just ask, and oftentimes other students were grateful that I did. I did so pretty regularly

    good questions normally led to good discussions that everyone could get involved with

  7. In K-12 school I had an IEP and 504 plan that dictated I was not to be called on or otherwise given attention during class that would put me on the spot. You think I’d ask questions? Lol

  8. I didint, i just sat there and felt stupid cause i was failing the class while everyone else understood.

  9. i would get so anxious, i hardly said anything in class. please, if you have this problem then address it. i am a product of not speaking up in class and it really messed me up, not just academically. it’s my number one regret from school. it has far-reaching consequences.

    i know from experience it’s way easier said than done, and i got upset when people told me this, but you need to get over it.

  10. Never felt that way. Even after university, I still ask questions I feel like it would benefit everyone in the room once the lesson or presentation content has covered its content goals. If it’s a very specific situation where it needs to be addressed personally/I need the extra clarification, it’s a one-on-one consultation with/email to the presenter.

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