What’s the best kind of ball to throw around the house on a lazy day?

  1. Those little bouncy ones you get at the supermarket gumball machines. Unleash it with the fury of a thousand angry gods and watch it randomly disrupt your home and all your pets. Life doesn’t get better than that.

  2. One of those $5 Big W balls that they keep in the cage. Not the ones with grip though. You can get all sorts of different ones too!

  3. The colored spikey balls that petsmart sells by the register for $2 cause those are my dogs favorite.

  4. I always liked racquetballs for that. Fairly lightweight, good bounce, unlikely to break something unless you absolutely uncork one.

  5. A mini basketball. The ones that are 4-5″ in diameter. Can bounce off the walls, practice shots and trick shots using small waste baskets, and just spin it on your finger.

  6. Squash balls. Would rate a 9.5/10 not quite bouncy enough.

    Fantastic question 10/10 would answer again.

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