Do you get nervous before dates, and if so, what helps with it?

  1. I used to get nervous before dates, but I found that the best way to combat nerves is to simply be yourself. Don’t try to be someone you’re not, and don’t try to impress your date with false claims or stories. Just relax and be yourself, and the nerves will eventually disappear.

  2. You can safely assume that your date is also nervous, even if they do a good job at hiding it. When I think about that, it boosts my confidence knowing that I have that effect on someone and suddenly I’m not that nervous anymore.

  3. Have a drink (just one!) before meeting. Hype yourself up with some music. Tell your best friend you’ll report back with details.

  4. Break it down onto steps before getting to the actual date.
    Doesn’t matter how small each step is, everyone will be a win.

    Get showered…. Done…. Win.
    Brush teeth….. Done ….. Win.
    Dress…. Done …… Win.


    As you go along, you’ll soon realise how easy it actually is and how more yourself you can be.

    When you get there, just say “hi, I’m nervous as fuck”… Or similar.

    They’re probably as nervous as you are.

    Most importantly, have an awesome time!

  5. I don’t get nervous before dates. I’m not trying to impress my date or win her over. She can like me or not. End of the day I don’t care, plus there’s tons of women that would like to date me anyways.

    The best thing that helps is to have a high self-worth. Like I’m that dude so why wouldn’t she want to chill with me? There’s no pressure when you have that mentality.

  6. First i ask myself everything important, overanalyze but rationally. Then i have answers that i remember, like what to wear, where i will take her etc. I have a plan and a general idea.

    And then i stop thinking about it, almost completely forget. I distract myself with chores and preparations not thinking about what i am preparing for.

    Then just before i let myself be nervous, it’s good and healthy, don’t be a cold bastard.

    Once i meet her i let everything flow, no thinking, just being yourself no matter what, be honest

  7. Nope. Never been nervous. I like to abstain from masturbation and from sex, so that when I go on a date I am sexually charged and ready to hit on her, hard, in order to take her to bed. If I fail, I just, you know, never contact her again for the rest of my life?

  8. Prepare, leave extra time for unexpected circumstances, and tell yourself your ready/you’ve prepared when going there, and if it doesn’t go well just consider it practice

  9. Change your mindset from it being a date to just hanging out with a friend, and then talk to them like you have been friends for years.

  10. If I feel like I am losing control of myself, I go to the bathroom and give myself a talk in the cubicle then go in and be more relaxed.

  11. You can’t be nervous before a date, you can be anxious before or nervous during, two separate problems.

    Anxious before a date means worried about stuff, usually nonsense stuff, until you see her, then you see her and she’s your favorite person in the whole world right now and all stress melts away and you have a great time together.

    Nervous is what you are during the date, oh oh are my underarms starting to get sweaty will she notice wait even worse I think I have to fart.

    Both, oddly enough, can be cured by familiarity with her and by putting more effort into the getting ready process as a distractor. If you’re busy trimming your nose hair before the date, you can’t be worried about if she likes your cologne or not, because you’re busy trimming the nose hair, and if you trimmed the nose hair you can’t be worried she’s staring at your shaggy nose hairs when you’re on the date.

  12. No. I’m on a date because we are into each other. If it doesn’t turn out, its ok cuz we wouldn’t get along long term

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