So apparently my girlfriend (17 f) I (17 m) don’t have time

Okay, so I guess this is an update for my former post here. So, I dated this girl about a year ago, and long story short our relationship has been up and down. Our relationship was mainly long-distance and it’s not like I’m far from where she lives but it’s more like my parents don’t let me out often (yes, I know I’m 17 and they still treat me like this, well I never really had any reason to go outside back then so they are kind of surprised that I constantly want to go outside and often times they take it into a negative thing because they’d tell me “why? is it because of your girlfriend? I’m telling you if you made her pregnant-” and they’d say something like if I take it too far, I’d ruin my future) and it’s not like they’re not aware of her, actually they approved of her when I took her home, they said it’s okay for us to have a relationship, but we should take it easy.

And I say it isn’t a mainly long distance because we’ve gone out a couple of times. But that wasn’t the problem in this post. It’s her parents.

I haven’t actually met her family for the past year and now they are suggesting a boy to her, and they are really pushing it on her, she protested that she wants to choose for herself, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer. They know about me, and they told her to break up with me on our anniversary right after our first date, I said I’d fight because they really don’t know me and that I’m a good person and maybe this is due to the fact that she also had an abusive ex but isn’t it too aggressive for a parent to push some on her when we’re literally still in high school. The logical answer I can think of here is to make my presence known, that I’m not a bad influence (the last school year was the best year of my life because I tutored her on her weaknesses in school and she’d help me grow as a person, she literally deleted my insecurities and low self-esteem) but I wanted to at least let them know I’m coming before I go and shake their hands, but my girlfriend kept saying no and I have to be there or it’s going to be over for us, she says that her parents might make a decision soon so I might be too late if I acted too slow. Because I’m going to be honest, I’m scared, I’m a passive person and I kept thinking of the worst possible scenarios in my head, I don’t even know if that’s the logical answer because it’s their family matter. I’m stuck, it’s not helping that I’m stressed out of my mind preparing myself for a university. I love her and I can’t lose her. I know this is a blurry post because I’m panicking and English is not my first language, so here is a little clarification: I hadn’t introduced myself, but they somehow know about me because of her sister. I will try to reply as much as I can and you guys can ask for more details, thank you very much

TL;DR: Her parents wanted to break us up of on our anniversary even though I hadn’t even introduced myself and they kept pushing a boy to her

1 comment
  1. Just leave man. You’re 17. Go find yourself a lover that has supportive parents or one that stands up for her/himself against said parents. You don’t have to deal with it

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