Eg. Things you like/dislike, stuff you mentioned the last time you guys hung out, things you said a few years ago etc.

  1. Could go either way. I think we sometimes don’t even remember what we said so it could be a good thing or it could be a bad thing if we don’t think it’s something we would have said but she remembers it.

  2. It depends on the situation. If we’re just talking in general, then I think it’s sweet that she remembers everything I say. If we’re in a relationship, then I find it a little creepy because it means she’s always paying attention to me and I can never get away with anything.

  3. Haha she doesn’t even have to worry about it if she simply avoids disclosing every single thing that she remembers. 😉

  4. Some people just have a good memory.

    If she went “Yeah a couple years ago you mentioned you like tulips! So I picked you some up” that’s cute.

    If she went “On March 14th 2016 at 6:23 when we were hanging out at your house with Josh, Greg, Kathy, and Kate you mentioned you liked tulips, specifically orange ones. I wrote it down in my book about you here. So here’s some tulips” that’s creepy.

  5. I think they are a good listener. I am careful what I say around my wife, because if I ever say “I want to do…” or “I want a….” she is the type of person to make it happen at some point.

  6. I think it shows she listens and pays attention to what I say. I definitely wouldn’t consider it a red flag.

  7. It’s endearing, for sure. Just so long as it’s something I actually said and not something she found while stalking me 🙂

  8. If we’re just friends it’s endearing. If it’s an SO, it makes me feel like she’s gonna try and trap me in something. This I’d due to dating girls in the past who have displayed this type of behavior.

  9. More endearing, unless I barely know them. That could potentially be creepy depending on context.

  10. A bit more endearing as it means she is paying attention and does value what I am saying on some level.

  11. If she remembers things I say like “I like hoi4” that’s good. But if she remembers me word for word that’s when we enter kinda creepy.

  12. If she remembers that a couple days after an event, I said that I like sausage and ‘sroom pizza, that’s sweet.

    If she remembers that on Wednesday Oct 16 at 2:37 PM I like sausage and ‘sroom pizza then throws a fit because I order a pepperoni and onions, that’s creepy.

  13. Not endearing or creepy.

    First surprised as most people ignore most people most of the time. She remembers my favorite pizza toppings? I better rethink about my relationship with her, its obviously closer than I thought!

    Second quickly review in my head everything I ever said around her for incriminating evidence. Hmm that joke I told about the priest, the carpenter, and the plumber walk into the bar together and … well nobody thought that was as funny as I thought it was, how much trouble am I in with this chick after that joke, isn’t she a Catholic, I assume she understands it was just a joke? I mean, Catholic’s like funny priest jokes, don’t they, although this one didn’t get the laughs…

  14. I would assume this depends on how often it happens, i know when i have remember what appeared to be random events from women they say it was creepy, as its never happened to me in the past i would assume there’s a reason and as that reason would not be anything “daily” i would assume there’s an issue i need to distance myself from.

  15. for reference, I am very forgetful by nature due to some genetic issues due to my mom smoking while pregnant with me

    So when I dated this one girl who could remember everything I said, did, it honestly just made me more depressed than I already was. I hated every waking minute when I’d be reminded of something I had forgotten, something that I should not have forgotten like that.

    So it doesn’t creep me our or makes me fall in love with someone, just reminds me of how fucked up I am sometimes

  16. Depends if I am friends with her, or attracted to her. Sort of like the Dobler-Dahmer Thoery from How I Met Your Mother. If I like her and she did all that, then it’s endearing.

  17. I don’t really care honestly. It’s not my synapses that are used for useless information ^^

    Most of what I say to my women friends are completely USELESS crap. I don’t treat them differently than my guy friends in that regard, so if they want to overload their brain with the shit I say, it’s not my problem xD

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