Just as the title says, I(21M) want to be honest and genuine but often times I never build up the confidence or “fuck it” energy to simply as a girl out. And I’ve only been active in online dating rather than IRL. The only time I got close to being on a date was through tinder, but she canceled on me the day prior.

Would it be a good idea to go to a bar once every week and just get a feel for the environment? Or have a few drinks, like 2 for 4, without getting too drunk and just starting a conversation with a girl? And afterwards looking back and seeing how simple it can be? I know how to hold my alcohol and don’t like getting blackout drunk but I do know it helps with blocking out inhibitions. But I don’t want to always rely on it.

I honestly don’t know, and am wondering if there’s any sort of advice that reddit can offer me?

I’m shy af and very rarely interact outside my social groups, even towards friends of friends.

  1. Try meet up app and find people with similar interests and hobbies then maybe you can meet a girl in person

  2. The website Dr Nerdlove has a lot of dating advice. But also yes, I think that going out and practicing talking to women is a great idea!

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