
So last week I moved to Uni, I’ve got a job enough money etc to put me by for some time so that isn’t a concern, but at the moment I feel like I’m just not that interesting to talk to.

We have a communal area next to the kichen for us all to sit in and every day I’m usually in there with everyone else I live with but some days I just feel like they look at me, don’t even say anything to me unless I say anything but just try limit contact as much as they can.

Like i wouldn’t say I’m antisocial, I’m always more than happy to talk to people as I do work in retail but as I didn’t ever really have any friends before uni perhaps my mind just switches back to me being serious when I don’t intend to. Like now they’re playing Uno in the communal area but as I wasn’t asked to join it feels like I would be a pain if I walk in.

I am probably one of the older people going to Uni at 27 where as most of the people I live with are around 18-22, I have worked in retail for the last few years as I last was in education in 2014.

Any tips?

  1. Do you watch stand up comedy? How about doing an open mic at an improv?

    You just need to stop thinking so much and put yourself out there.

  2. I was older at uni too. Those people around you are kids. Absolute children. They think they are the best thing on the planet, and that they are invincible. They are free of their parents, in the prime of their youth, and many don’t have to work.
    They will fear your age and assumed superiority (more life experience). Some will tolerate you, others will envy you, and others will hate you.
    I recommend looking for friends closer to your age, perhaps outside of the university.

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