I apologize if this isn’t the best sub to post this.
But the break up sub hates breaking nc so I thought I’d post it here.

Today marks 5 months since my(25m) ex (24f) broke up with me. We were together for 5 years but were friends/fwb for 5 years before dating. We broke up mainly due to my mental health, I was in a really bad rut and wasn’t coping well. I hated myself and my family dynamic was really bad for me.and just closed off from the world. I know my ex lover me but I just stopped being the person she fell in love with and I really lost myself and lost my soul. So I don’t blame her for break up with me. And in the end all I want is for her to be happy

Since the break up I’ve changed everything; moved out of my parents house the week we broke up because I realized how much my family dynamic was killing me. Moved in with some friends, and made a lot of new friends creating a family I choose. Started a new job as an engineer that pays 4x more than the job I had during the relationship (one of the main reasons I hated myself was because I changed majors from engineering to math/comp sci and it made me graduate a year late and I thought I failed myself and saw myself as a loser but now I’m an actual engineer), started therapy, haven’t smoked weed in 8 months (was my coping mechanism for chronic pain and my mental health), quit my video game addiction, started new hobbies that I love, working out/climbing every day. I’ve really found myself again and grown in so many ways (mainly because I’ve been thinking about these things for a couple years but my past trauma with my family dynamic and my self loathing plus weed really just kept me in this bad rut and it was a positive feedback loop)
I’ve done so much work on myself and I know her and I’s relationship was extremely health and loving but I was broken and that’s why it failed but I know we could make it work. And even if we don’t get back together she is the most important person her and I have such a similar soul that from the moment we met 10 years ago something just clicked and we knew we always wanted to have eachother in our lives. And I just lost my soul so I understand why she felt like she had to break things but because I know she hated seeing me like that but knew I could only be the one that fixes it….

I’ve been in love with her for over 10 years. She’s the one, and losing her and the thought of not having her in my life because of who I had turned into hurt so fucking bad. Especially because even tho she broke up with me it felt like I broke both of our hearts.. and it destroyed me but it also allowed me to really look at myself and address the things I hated about myself and what led me down this path. She’s 10/10 in my eyes she’s so amazing. I fell like love with her soul and her pure nature, she just brings light into this world from very fiber of her being. She is truly one of a kind and her and I share so much history and similarities and values and dreams.

We talked once one month after the break up and she said she could see us getting back together in the future after we worked on our selves and hoped we could be friends. And in a couple months maybe we could touch base. I mentioned I wrote her a letter and she said she’d read it but I never sent it for many reasons; one a lot of people told me I shouldn’t even tho my heart was telling me I had to, two I had made all these changes in my life but they were still settling in, and three it just never felt good enough.

I regret not sending it because I think it made her think I didn’t care and that I moved on.

Nevertheless I can’t stop thinking about reaching out. I know she’s the one and she’s someone I care so deeply about and can’t let things end on the note they did even if we don’t get back together I just want to talk and catch up.

So I’ve been debating sending the letter now. But am leaning toward just sending a text asking to meet up for coffee.

I’d would really love some advice on how I should format this text. Basically is it better to send a little longer text explaining what this time apart has taught me and then asking to meet up? Or just saying I hope you’re doing well I’d love to get coffee sometime?

Knowing her I have to say more than just “hey it’s been a while hope we can still meet up and touch base”
I have to mention some of the things I’ve realized with this time apart and tell her how much she means to me. And that I’m sorry my mental health got in the way but that I’ve changed and want to meet up.but maybe I’m wrong

But Idk the best way to phrase it plus by the length of this post you can tell brevity is not my skill.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. On how to best reach out and ask to meet up.

Aso should I avoid saying I love you? And that in the end I just want you to be happy so if you don’t want to see me again I can accept it but life is too short and you are too important?

Of course I still love her and would want to try to work things out by taking things slow and going on some dates to get to know eachother again since this time has been a dramatic change for both of us. However I’m also at a point where I’d be okay with trying to be friends. Or even just talking and seeing eachother once because we broke up when I wasn’t myself and at the lowest I’ve ever been. And know I’ve never been better (ofc besides the fact that she’s not in my life) but I’ve truly found my path and remember why she fell in love with me all those years ago. So even if we have to go separate ways I just want to see her again so her memory of me is of who I truly am not how i was when I let my past traumas resurface from my family dynamic.
I appreciate your time for anyone that reads this

TLDR; going to text my ex girlfriend ask to get coffee so we can catch up. Broken up5 months after 10 years of history (5 of fully dating) is it better to send a short text? Or a longer one explaining a little more? Thoughts on saying I love you in the text?

1 comment
  1. Whether u guys will end up working out or not I don’t know but I hope you the best of luck my friend.

    As a side note. Don’t ever stop improving yourself. Get ur fitness finances health emotional issue s mental health on point. Nothing negative would come from it. Plus it will show ur ex u are on that path to being the perfect best u u can be.

    Also if u do catch up with her for some coffee. Don’t exactly talk about getting back together right away. Just say you wanted to have a chat. Just apologize to her for dealing with your issues u had for all those years and her having to deal with it for so long. And that after the break up it made u realize them and helped you overcome them etc.

    Realize she is ur ex and to not jump back into it like that trying to get her back. She’s prob hurting too.

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