I don’t understand how people are supposed to make friends in college. You can’t talk to people in your classes because the professor is talking and most people seem to keep to themselves. The college I go to has little to no clubs. Here’s a little about me I’m 20 male and I play video games and like to workout. Today I decided to go see the college’s game club. Everyone there already knows one another. Basically I was the new person. I felt awkward they started playing board games and talking to each other while I sat and type out this paragraph. I go to Planet Fitness but I’m the only 20 year old there. Basically it’s all middle aged people. In school I was a nobody didn’t talk to much people because I didn’t know what to say. I tried talking to people on Discord and in person but I think I come off to awkward or they’re not interested. To be honest I don’t know what to do anymore. My anxiety gets the best of me and I mess up.

  1. You hit the nail on the head. This is exactly my issue right now at community college. It really sucks walking around on campus alone and everyone else naturally with groups or a friends. I dm’d people in my schools discord hoping ny chances would be better talking to them there then being friends irl but alot of disinterest I notice. I hope there’s some answers here that can help

  2. For me the friendships I made in school were typically with people I had to do projects with or happened sort of organically at times like walking out after class (like when everyone is happy to have passed a test or pissed because they didn’t). It takes a while, but if you are open to talking to people when the opportunity arises, and don’t put pressure on yourself it will happen!

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