My bf won’t get a job because of his residential status. His visa is being held because he hasn’t paid for taxes last year. So it makes it harder for him to pay the taxes when they won’t allow him to apply to a job. He has gone to the streets in look for under the counter paying jobs but none are hiring currently nearby. This was about 2 months ago when he just suddenly stoped looking. I’m guessing due to the bad luck he’s given up. He is 22 years old living with me. I’m 20 years old living on my own paying for rent by myself now. We used to split it but since he doesn’t have any income it’s nearly impossible to pay for things now. He got fired from his last job that my mother gave him because he didn’t want to go and wake up on time in the mornings. I was the one that helped him get the job so it made me irritated that he’s turned lazy and now embarrassed me in front of my mother. She runs her own business with my stepfather and sister so now they all know that I have this bf who is absolutely unmotivated. Don’t get me wrong because everyday since he hasn’t found a job I’ve made sure he calls all the stores to ask for positions since he doesn’t do it on his own time. I have to make sure he is still looking because he isn’t actively doing it. My lease is done with and now I’m paying month to month and they’re only giving me two months (till the end of oct.2022) to get out. So saving up my money while also paying our $800 rent is becoming difficult on my own. I only have a part time job because my job isn’t hiring full time. Most places for rent require that I have at least one year of income at a stable job so I can’t leave this one yet since it’s only been 6months. I don’t know what to do anymore because I’m so anxious about money. I pay for our food and bills and for our (9) cats as well. I love this man to death. He is an amazing guy and genuinely cares about me. I just don’t have the heart to kick him out again. (He’s done this before where he loses a job and just lives off me playing video games and being lazy doing nothing all day and sleeping. I’ve kicked him out 3 times because of that). Please someone tell me what I need to do at this point because now I feel unmotivated to help the love of my life

  1. I just stopped reading.

    OP, you should be dating men, not boys. Cut this guy loose… the fact that he’s comfortable being how he is is a huge red flag. You’ll be more like his mother if you keep going with this relationship.

  2. He’s not going to change; you’ve already kicked him out *three* times. It would be one thing if he was applying to 50 jobs a day and spending hours prospecting opportunities, but he’s not. He can’t hold a job because he can’t bother to wake up on time? You calling to see about open jobs for him is super fucking lame.

    He doesn’t care about you. You’re stressed about surviving and he’s on his ass doing nothing to help you.

    Can you tolerate this long term? What about for the rest of your life? You love him, but you’re doing all of the work in the relationship. Don’t let him drag you down.

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