I (25F) barely like my coworker. He’s a suck up, somewhat delusional, and sexist in a kind of stupid way. Like a, I don’t think he knows better, kind of way. I’ve learned to deal with him and he can be fun on the rare occasion. I also think he’s learning and growing, in some very small ways, from working in our workplace, but he still has a LONG way to go. Anyway, there was a work outing and he invited his wife. She was pretty cool at first, but then she started saying some stuff that made me very uncomfortable, and we got into an argument. They quickly left after this happened.

I saw him again the following day and he wouldn’t stop going on about how much his wife liked me. She kept talking about how pretty and smart I am, and how they should set me up with his brother. That I’m some great catch. I don’t get it. I walked away from that argument thinking I never wanted to be around her again. She walked away thinking she wanted me as a sister-in-law.

Anyone have any thoughts?

TL;DR – Coworker’s wife got into an argument with me and now wants to set me up with her husband’s brother.

  1. Lol! That’s sooo bizarre!! Maybe she admired you for speaking up? I know I look up to women, some younger than me, because they speak up and I don’t.

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